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The Wonderful World of Open, by Philip Peake
Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 04:22 PM EDT

The Wonderful World of Open
~ by Philip Peake

Our friend Jonathan Schwartz has a blog (if you didn't know). In a recent entry he discusses "open" as applied to computing and attempts to put his spin on what the word open really means.

I think he misses the point. So let's take a look at what open systems are all about, their history and meaning.

Do, please, note though that Open Systems and Open Source are not the same thing. Open Source was alive and well at the time that Open Systems were first defined, with Richard Stallman's GNU project and the USENET comp.source group both providing an array of Open Source for those that wanted to make use of it.

Virtually all of my professional life has been working with Unix. From my first Version 7 copy running on a PDP11/34 to the present day with Solaris running on Sparc and Linux running on a variety of systems. (I will also hang my head in shame and admit to having run Microsoft systems, from Dos to WinXP-SP2). I have been involved, sometimes directly and sometimes peripherally with the evolution of Unix and standardization efforts around it during that time, and so can claim to have at least some knowledge of the subject.

Jonathan's blog entry on this subject confuses the issue of what an open system is really about. He confuses the issue by referring to an article by David Kirkpatrick, writing for Fortune, and claiming that this article suggests that

"open" is really defined by the degree to which a vendor seeks interoperability with other vendors' products.
This isn't exactly how I read the article. David Kirkpatrick clearly differentiates between the open and proprietary worlds, but he suggests that what really matters is the completeness of the whole solution, how well the components work together, and that better profits appear to be associated with the proprietary model. He also suggests that this is the direction that Linux is being dragged by Red Hat adding proprietary software to its distribution.

Jonathan's view is that "open" is really in the eye of the beholder, and that it means the ease of substituting one product for another. Well, that is one definition of "open", but it is certainly not the definition of an Open System, and not one that I have heard before. Jonathan appears to confuse "open system", "open source", "open standards" and a few other "opens" too.

Open systems came into being following the balkanization of Unix caused by the AT&T/Bell labs (System3/System5) and BSD camps. These Balkan states were then further fragmented by the efforts of various Unix vendors to "improve" Unix by adding their own proprietary extensions. Independent software vendors (ISVs) found that code written to any given Unix variant was a real pain to port to another, and the incremental costs associated with maintaining each port soon became prohibitive.

There were several attempts to define a common API and utility subset by different groups, but that was a problem in itself -- there were several attempts. In addition, there were attempts by various commercial interests to insert standards into those efforts which validated their products and excluded competitors. It took a formal standards organization, IEEE, to accept the task and to create the POSIX standard before any level of standardization was possible.

Now POSIX only addresses basic operating system functionality and APIs. But this was enough to enable ISVs to create applications with many less differences across Unix systems. The idea behind POSIX was never that this would completely define every possible thing to ensure perfect compatibility between systems, only in the areas covered by the standard. The standard was general enough that non-Unix systems were able to implement it, for example, VMS from Digital (DEC). This meant that applications targeted at the POSIX standard were now potentially candidates not just for Unix systems, but for a range of systems, all of which implemented the POSIX standard.

Because it was possible for non-Unix systems to implement POSIX, the generic term "Open Systems" was coined. This was intended to cover systems which no longer has proprietary interfaces to system services, but which implemented interfaces covered by an openly available standard. Programmers could develop code independently of the OS, following only the openly available interface definitions.

As an interesting side note, POSIX was so successful and resolved so many of the problems with vendor lock-in that the US government set procurement policies requiring POSIX conformance for any new computing systems. When Microsoft came out with NT, which was designed and built by the chief VMS architect from DEC, it too included a POSIX conformant subsystem. However, this subsystem was virtually independent of, and isolated from, the normal Windows environment other than being able to see the same filesystems and networking. Only the most trivial applications from either environment could successfully execute in the other environment. Microsoft never produced any applications for this environment that I am aware of and never encouraged ISVs to do so either. The POSIX subsystem apparently was purely a ploy to get around the US procurement policies. By any reasonable interpretation of the spirit of POSIX, this did not make NT an Open System.

Now Jonathan is actually correct that by this definition Solaris is an open system. It is. It is POSIX conformant. Beyond that, it actually implements a range of other published open standards, such as X3J11 for the C language. Source code availability has nothing to do with a system being an Open System or not.

Jonathan goes on to say:

Let's instead look at what it takes to move off Solaris, and onto, say, IBM's AIX.

How easy is the move? It's not particularly easy. There are features in Solaris, like the Java Enterprise System Directory Service, N1 Grid Containers, dTrace or ZFS that don't show up in AIX. Nor is there an industry agreed upon definition of Unix to enable a neutral test, or a certification, of what you're using. There was, it was called POSIX, but then all the vendors (Sun among them), went well beyond POSIX in delivering operating system distributions - we added app servers and directory engines and web services infrastructure, innovations that saved customers millions of dollars, and tons of effort. But using those features made it difficult (but by no means impossible) for customers to substitute Unix vendors - and as IBM slows AIX investment, Solaris is bound to leapfrog even further. So is AIX open? Does it promote choice? Well, by that sword, is Solaris? Or moreover, Red Hat?

What we have here is a perfect description of why you should never use any of those proprietary extensions that Sun has bundled into Solaris, unless you clearly understand the trade-off in doing so.

Actually, most of what he lists isn't available to most Solaris users anyway, unless they upgrade to Solaris 10, which makes the list just a little bit disingenuous, and also brings up the question of why is Sun adding these non-standard technologies rather than turning them into open standards, either via existing standards bodies, or via open source. This couldn't be to lock users into Solaris could it?

Picking fault a bit more, the Java Enterprise System Directory Service (which would otherwise be called an LDAP server, if Sun's marketing team hadn't become involved) really isn't a required part of Solaris anyway. It will run happily without it. It also contains some specific extensions, so although it is an LDAP V3 server, you find that for use with much of the rest of Sun's software stack, you can't simply replace it with an LDAP V3 conformant LDAP server, because that software requires the specific extensions to work fully, or even work at all. It's this pretty-much deliberate lock-in that is the problem. Although by the definition of Open System being equivalent to POSIX conformance, Solaris makes it, by the spirit of Open Systems, Sun fails to make the grade.

Sun has a long and distinguished history of contributing to and promoting Open Systems, Open Standards and Open Source. Not so very long ago, a Sun workstation was what a Linux system is today, a reference platform for just about any free software/open source available. If it wouldn't compile on a Sun workstation, it wouldn't compile. Sun worked on technologies intended to improve its competitiveness in the market, but also took the time and effort to make certain that its protocols were well documented and the subject of relevant standards, remote procedure calls and NFS being perhaps the most obvious, and still widely used today.

Sun was an active participant in the POSIX standards process, not only because they saw it as key to commercial success, but because they believed in the Open Systems philosophy.

Perhaps it's time to revitalize the Open Systems movement with something like POSIX II to include all developments of the last 20 years. It seems to me that Sun has a lot they could contribute to that effort.


The Wonderful World of Open, by Philip Peake | 104 comments | Create New Account
Comments belong to whoever posts them. Please notify us of inappropriate comments.
Off-topic here, please
Authored by: overshoot on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 04:31 PM EDT
Does being polite help?

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Pedantic corrections here:
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 04:59 PM EDT
The article says:
applications with many less differences
but the pedantic among us would suggest that it should say
applications with many fewer differences
Otherwise, I think the author makes good points.

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Trolls here -- so PJ can find them
Authored by: DannyB on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 05:01 PM EDT
Trolls here please.

The price of freedom is eternal litigation.

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I don't trust Sun
Authored by: ray08 on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 05:03 PM EDT
Seems like every time Schwartz opens his mouth, he spews FOSS FUD. He reminds me
of the Romulans on ally that is warily accepted. I know Sun has done
some good things for open source, but they now have 2 faces.

Caldera is toast! And Groklaw is the toaster! (with toast level set to BURN)

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SCO reincarnates into SUN?
Authored by: hipster on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 05:33 PM EDT
Doesn´t it look to you that this path has already been treaded by none other
than our good old friends SCO?

I mean, first they embrace open source with all its benefits, then they turn
around and claim that the open source backers have misappropriated their IP,
then they sue.

I don´t want to sound negative, but it seems that Sun's probably trying to send
signals as of their next moves; and that may not be too pretty.

Your turn.

Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in
not exceeding the limit. ~Elbert Hubbard

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Authored by: paul_cooke on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 05:48 PM EDT
Posix compliance was Microsoft's means of sneaking Windows past purchasing requirements and by this means, they were able to then place "easy to use" office software such as MS-Word etc. into the workplace by bundling it with the boxes with which they were then able to lock in the users to the closed, proprietary file formats.

After locking the users in to .doc etc. it then became a purchasing requirement for systems procured to support those file formats which then locked out non-windows platforms from the workplace. The government departments effectively "helped" Microsoft by locking themselves into the file format handcuffs.

Use Linux - Computer power for the people: Down with cybercrud...

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"Trolls here" posts: - put all your "trolls here" posts here.
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 06:02 PM EDT
... to make it simpler for trolls to browse through the selection of
"trolls here" threads and choose the one they wish to post in ...

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The Wonderful World of Open, by Philip Peake
Authored by: John M. Horn on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 06:08 PM EDT
"...Not so very long ago, a Sun workstation was what a Linux system is
today, a reference platform for just about any free software/open source
available. If it wouldn't compile on a Sun workstation, it wouldn't compile. Sun
worked on technologies intended to improve its competitiveness in the market,
but also took the time and effort to make certain that its protocols were well
documented and the subject of relevant standards, remote procedure calls and NFS
being perhaps the most obvious, and still widely used today..."

Yes, and most of us no doubt remember those days. As late as 1996 or 1997 I
still felt most comfortable on a Sun workstation, using it for most of my work -
except when I had to do certain things for SCO machines, but that was mostly
because of the differing 'endianess' of the two platforms.

However, Sun began to change its philosophy several years ago and, as its
revenues began to decline, that change seemed to accelerate. For me, the final
indicator that this was no longer the Sun of yore was when Bill Joy left the
company. Few have given more to the world of Unix, Linux and yes, even Open
Source, than Bill Joy. With the vi editor alone, he has given us one of the
world's most revered editors. (You'll never take my vi from me!!!) How many
programs, perl scripts, shell scripts and assorted other files have YOU edited
with vi in your lifetime? Could you even begin to count them?

Today, Sun seems to be little more than a toady for Microsoft. It is sad to say,
but this appears to be the case to me. Otherwise, why would Sun be funneling
money to SCO to purchase a 'license' for something it has been shipping for many
years. Sun bought their license from USL back in the early nineties if I recall
correctly, for some preposterous sum of money like 150 million or so... Perhaps
someone else recalls the details.

My $0.02...

John Horn

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OT: Update on timeline please
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 10:33 PM EDT
I've lost track of when SCO's responses to IBM's 2nd and 3rd partial summary
judgement motions (on IBM counterclaim 8 about SCO's copyright infringement of
16 IBM Linux copyrights, and SCO contract claims (1-4)) are due

If anybody knows the dates, could you remind me.

If they're already filed, a link would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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We've gotten too used to the terms of proprietary licenses.
Authored by: Oloryn on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 10:36 PM EDT

I suspect that we've gotten far too used to the typical terms of proprietary software licenses. Way back in the day, I worked for a small tire retailer as a programmer, developing in COBOL on a Burroughs mini system (yup, I put in my time suffering with COBOL). My boss wasn't an IT type, but he was a former lawyer (I think he left because he found out he didn't like lawyering). The major software for the system was purchased before I started work there, but he once gave me his impression of the licensing contracts required to get software for the system. It went along the lines of "It's as though the vendor said to me (as a lawyer), 'Look, I've got this guy (the customer) on the ground, flat on his back, and my foot is on his throat. Write the appropriate contract.'" How did we get used to accepting such arrogantly one-sided contracts from proprietary software vendors?

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OT: Lyons is at it again
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 11:21 PM EDT
Daniel Lyons at (won't give him the satisfaction of a link) has outdone himself. A sample:

56% of companies now cite Microsoft's .NET technologies as their primary development platform, while 44% use a rival platform called Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) (Note these sum to 100%)

Torvalds' Linux kernel (the core of the operating system) is 13 years old. Other parts of the operating system are even older. Even if Linux does catch up, will it matter? (I assume he means catch up to the 13-year old NT kernel?)

the cost of paying separately for programs like application servers, Web servers and directories (which come bundled with Windows).

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IBM to share Technology and Designs for blade servers
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 11:42 PM EDT
Did I get this right? I hope this post is on topic and not too long.

I hope this is the right place to post this but it looks like IBM is opening up
thier blade servers. see
I.B.M to Share Technology and Designs for new comuter</A>

It is intresting that the above link still list SCO Linux as an option so they
have not pulled SCO products from there offerings.
It is located under "Software requirements" as shown below
The following network operating systems have been tested for compatibility with
the BladeCenter HS20:

* Microsoft^(TM)
* Windows^(TM) 2000 Advanced Server (requires SP 3)
* Windows 2000 Server (requires SP 3)
* Windows 2000 7-License Bundle for BladeCenter
* Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
* Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
* Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
* Linux^(TM)
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Advanced Server
* SCO Linux 4.0 -- (UL1.0 based)9
* SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 -- (UL 1.0 based)9
* TurboLinux Enterprise Server 8 -- (UL 1.0 based)9

IDE RAID will not be supported on this network operating system.

For additional information support, certification, and versions of network
operating systems, access

I did some searching on the ibm web site but was unable to yet find the tech
data on these machines but maybe it has not made it there yet.

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"Open", as in Open Your Wallet
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 11:42 PM EDT
The balkinization of UNIX started when each vendor took their system
proprietary. After that, open just meant what you did to your wallet.

GPL is Free Software strikes back, with a major lesson learned. <troll mode
engage>Unfortunately some BSD people still think that if businesses can't
take code proprietary they're not going to assist with its development. History
has shown that help to be short-lived and the damage long-lasting. Goodbye BSD.
Hello GPL. <troll mode disengage>

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I disagree with regards to Sun.
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 2004 @ 11:58 PM EDT
I haven't used the Sun Java Enterprise System Directory Service.

However, I don't think one should be yelling "vendor lock-in" just
because Sun created their own flavor of LDAP.

Firstly, Sun hasn't been the paradigm of compatibility this article makes it out
to be. Sun's versions of Unix utilities such as cp and tar have always been
different than those of Linux and those of BSD. This is nothing to do with Sun
in particular. All non-POSIX parts of Unix have always varied quite a bit. BSD
and Linux aren't just two different kernels, you know.

So this directory service isn't an exception. The specification seems to be
open. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.

Given that, what's the big deal? Isn't it possible that Sun's way may actually
be BETTER? Linux works that way. For instance, the Linux kernel does not have
POSIX-threads. Rather, it has its own system, which Linus felt was better.

And by the same coin, all the Linux programs which use the linux-kernel threads
instead of POSIX ones are locked into Linux.

This is a double-standard folks.

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The Wonderful World of Open, by Philip Peake
Authored by: bingotailspin on Thursday, September 02 2004 @ 12:03 AM EDT
Were I a CIO facing these issues, I'd stay focused on the one thing definitively under my control - keeping the cost of substitution, of at least application portability, as close to zero as possible.
You guessed it, I'd write to Java. And I'd keep my options...

I think C is also a good way to keep your code portable. Us Solaris admins always finish off an install by compiling OpenSSH, vim, grep (from GNU so you can use the recursive option), etc. Solaris runs all the open source stuff fine, look at Gnome desktop. A good way to keep your code portable is to write to Linux. Solaris will always run those apps (soon even in binary).

Although vender lock-in is not something that most executives advertise, the one's listed here are not significant. Dtrace is Solaris 10 (beta) and you don't write it into your app, it's a performance monitor. The directory server is just LDAP, if you want to throw it out and put in OpenLDAP or Novell there's no problem. LDAP is a standard.

He's right about Java though, it's the bomb! RMS might not like it, but if your a programmer it's the best. What other mature language lets you write SSL, LDAP, database, HTTP, Grid, ... and all for free.

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Linux is the standard
Authored by: bingotailspin on Thursday, September 02 2004 @ 12:06 AM EDT
Were I a CIO facing these issues, I'd stay focused on the one thing definitively under my control - keeping the cost of substitution, of at least application portability, as close to zero as possible.
You guessed it, I'd write to Java. And I'd keep my options...

I think C is also a good way to keep your code portable. Us Solaris admins always finish off an install by compiling OpenSSH, vim, grep (from GNU so you can use the recursive option), etc. Solaris runs all the open source stuff fine, look at Gnome desktop. A good way to keep your code portable is to write to Linux. Solaris will always run those apps (soon even in binary).

Although vender lock-in is not something that most executives advertise, the one's listed here are not significant. Dtrace is Solaris 10 (beta) and you don't write it into your app, it's a performance monitor. The directory server is just LDAP, if you want to throw it out and put in OpenLDAP or Novell there's no problem. LDAP is a standard.

He's right about Java though, it's the bomb! RMS might not like it, but if your a programmer it's the best. What other mature language lets you write SSL, LDAP, database, HTTP, Grid, ... and all for free.

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Open Source an age old concept
Authored by: grayhawk on Thursday, September 02 2004 @ 12:28 AM EDT
It amazes me how people see open source as something new and wonderful. It is
as old as the hills and closed source/proprietary ware only really came into
existence with the advent of the P.C. and MS.

During the hayday of the mainframe one would purchase the software needed for
running ones business and if you wanted to pay extra you could get the source
code and modify it to suit your shop. The downside was that when you did this
the supplier would no longer provide support and you would have to have inhouse
staff to take upgrades and patch them in themselves.

These were the days of programmers writing in Cobol, Fortran, RPG, Assembler
etc. and people having dumb terminals on their desks instead of P.C.'s. Many
companies would also work with software developers and companies that provided
time share on larger system to jointly develop their own applications. These
are the systems referred to these days as legacy systems. Programs were written
using punch cards and run from tape drives, huge disks or the cards themselves.
It was the job of the programmers to make sure that programs were maintained,
updated, customized and could interact with other programs (open standard) in

During those days companies would share in developing programs so as to lower
the development costs and each would have the source to their programs. Most
companies who purchased proprietary software would also have its source since
much customization was required to make it fit the operation.

Source code and custom programming was the way things were done back then. It
is only with the advent of the desktop computer that we were no longer allowed
to have the source code to the software we purchased.

I personally learned to write such source and my earliest program written was
written on ticker tape. I remember carrying boxes and boxes of punch cards all
hopefully numbered so that should a box fall and the cards spill they could with
a sorter be put back in proper order.

So open source is not a new concept nor a new idea. It is an old idea from the
mainframe days now finally being applied to the desktop computer with fewer
restrictions than there were way back then.

All ships are safe in a harbour but that is not where they were meant to be.

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Maybe it's called "Open" because "Interoperable" is such a mouth full..
Authored by: cheros on Thursday, September 02 2004 @ 04:08 AM EDT
I may be wrong here (donning flame proof underwear), but was/is/shall the main
aim of all this Openness not to ensure things actually work together? In other
words, interoperate? I'm deliberately stating "things" because the
concept extends well beyond the world of computers IMO.

This whole idea comes from quite a while back. The invention of the screw (no,
the threaded metal type ;-) did not go together with a standard, which meant
that any vendor had to keep its own stock of screws for customers. Only when
standards like BA and metric appeared became it possible to be a bit more
sensible about spares - and that's just a simple example (and a shameless rip
from an IBM ad ;-).

The challenge is to convey this whole concept in words of less than 3 syllables,
and "interoperable" fails there on account of being both long and hard
to pronounce after a few cocktails. Hence Open.


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Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 02 2004 @ 11:36 AM EDT
Perhaps it's time to revitalize the Open Systems movement with something like POSIX II to include all developments of the last 20 years. It seems to me that Sun has a lot they could contribute to that effort.

Well, actually, something like that has already happened. There's a 2001 Version out of POSIX, which is a shared document with the Single Unix standard (you know, the one made by the UNIX(tm) people), and this encompasses a lot of additions to POSIX.

Incidentally, POSIX 2001 was created, not via a typical semi- or mostly-closed committee, but via a mailing list open (this word again) to everyone, including a significant number of Linux and GNU people (such as the glibc maintainer, for example).

And, different from the old standard, it's available for free on the Web. Go to, and follow the links to read and/or download the Single Unix Spec version 3 ... and while you're there, note that close to that link is a lawsuit link, so you can feel right at home.

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Need to learn the difference between the movements.
Authored by: jbn on Friday, September 03 2004 @ 02:52 AM EDT

Do, please, note though that Open Systems and Open Source are not the same thing. Open Source was alive and well at the time that Open Systems were first defined, with Richard Stallman's GNU project and the USENET comp.source group both providing an array of Open Source for those that wanted to make use of it.

No, this is quite wrong. The GNU project predates the "open source" movement by over a decade. Stallman started the free software movement in 1984 shortly after making this announcement. Open source is defined by the Open Source Initiative and this movement began in 1998. The two movements do not share the same philosophy. RMS and the Free Software Foundation have repeatedly asked that you not confuse the two movements. By citing the GNU Project as "open source", you misunderstand what happened when and you convey a profound misunderstanding of the difference between working to give all computer users software freedom and working for technical improvements to make businesses happy.

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