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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 12:55 AM EDT

The exhibits attached to SCO's 10Q for the period ending January 31, 2005, but filed in April of 2005, are now available on the SEC web site. There is a SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan for Fiscal Year 2005. It's designed, among other things, to improve morale. It's Exhibit 10.1.

There is also a table showing the base salaries of executives for fiscal year 2005, Exhibit 10.2 ($265,000 for Darl McBride); an Executive Officer Stock Option Agreement, with a blank Notice of Grant of Stock Option for Executive Officers, Exhibit 10.3, which I'll put up on Groklaw next, because it has an interesting clause 6(a); and the usual certifications.

Here's the Bonus Program.


The SCO Group


2005 Fiscal Year

1.0    PURPOSE

The Employee Incentive Bonus Program (Bonus Plan) is designed to reward employees for their contributions to the successful achievement of certain corporate goals and objectives and to share the success (and risks) of the business with employees based upon successful achievement of quarterly business goals.


The Bonus Plan is approved annually by the Compensation Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors and will be administered under the auspices of the Company’s Management Incentive Committee (MIC), to consist of the CEO, the CFO and the SVP of Operations.  The MIC will be responsible for setting the performance objectives and administering the Bonus Plan, provided the Compensation Committee shall set the performance objectives of the CEO and the CEO shall approve the performance objectives of the members of the MIC other than the CEO.  The MIC will delegate specific administrative tasks to the Director of Human Resources as Plan Administrator, who will have day-to-day responsibility for the administration of the Plan.


The Bonus plan will cover all regular employees, except that employees who are covered by sales commission or any other incentive-eligible program will not be eligible to participate in the Bonus Plan.

Temporary employees, interns, independent contractors, and authorized agents are not eligible to participate in the Bonus Plan.


The Bonus Pool will be comprised of three components:  1) 40% related to revenue; 2) 40% related to operating performance; and 3) 20% related to personal objectives.

There will be no Bonus Pool established unless the revenue and operating performance targets are attained at 100%.  Additionally, if the Bonus Pool and subsequent payment of bonuses causes the UNIX business to have negative cash flow for a particular quarter, the Bonus Pool will be pro-rated to ensure that the UNIX business does not generate negative cash flow.

The revenue and operating performance targets for each quarter of fiscal year 2005 shall be established by the Compensation Committee.  The personal objectives shall be established as set forth in Section 2.0 above.

The amount payable to any employee of the Company will depend on a percentage of such employee’s annual base salary.  The applicable percentages of annual base salary for all employees shall be established by the Compensation Committee.  To the extent that revenue and operating performance targets are attained at greater than 100% and up to 150%, accelerators may apply to increase the bonus pool from 101% of the applicable percentages of annual base salary to 200% of such percentages depending upon the extent by which the Company exceeds revenue and operating performance targets.


The Bonus Plan is designed to meet these key objectives:

  • Reward achievement of specific Company Revenue and Operating Loss objectives
  • Align employee, Company, and shareholder interests
  • Improve Morale

5.1 Other Bonus Plans:  The Bonus Plan supersedes all prior bonus plans and shall not be modified unless authorized in writing by the CEO and the Chair of the Compensation Committee.

5.2 Plan Objectives:  Specific quarterly financial or performance objectives will be established for each fiscal quarter, and may include revenue, net income, gross margin, operating expenses, and other criteria.

5.3 Payment of Bonus:  Bonus payouts will be paid no later than 45 days following the end of each fiscal quarter for those on a bi-weekly payroll.  Bonus payouts will be paid no later than the end of the second month following the end of the fiscal quarter for those on a monthly payroll.

5.4 Benefits:  Bonus Plan awards are considered compensation for purposes of benefit determination and eligibility under the Company’s 401(k) plan.  Bonus Plan awards are not compensation for purposes of benefit determination or eligibility under the Company’s life, accidental death and dismemberment, short or long-term disability insurance, or any other similar benefit plan in accordance with all plan rules and limitations.  Subject to local employment law, Bonus Plan awards are not considered compensation for purposes of severance calculation.

5.5 Deductions:  All Bonus Plan awards are subject to statutory deductions and are taxable at the time of payment.  There shall be no Bonus Plan Awards under the Plan deferred to any future years.

5.6 Exchange Rates:  The exchange rates for Bonus Plan awards will be those rates issued by the Company’s Finance Department at the end of each accounting period.

5.7 Transfer/Status Change:  Participants must have been hired and eligible to participate at the beginning of the fiscal quarter.  Employees transferring from another incentive/commission plan during the fiscal quarter shall be compensated based on the plan they were eligible for at the beginning of the quarter at a pro-rated basis.  Employees whose promotion bumps them to a higher percentage during the quarter will be re-levelled at the beginning of the following quarter.

5.8 Leave of Absence:  Bonus Plan Awards are pro-rated for employees who are on leave of absence more than three consecutive weeks during any single quarter.  Employees must be actively at work at the beginning of the quarter to be eligible for that period.  Employees who have been on an approved family or medical leave of absence under FMLA criteria will be eligible for a pro-rated award, assuming all other criteria have been met.

5.9 Termination of Employment:  In the event an employee’s active employment terminates during the fiscal quarter by reason of retirement, total and permanent disability, or death, the participant will receive a pro-rated bonus, assuming all other criteria have been met.

Participants who are involuntarily terminated through no fault of their own will be considered for a pro-rated payment based on MIC approval.

In the event an employee’s active employment terminates for any other reason, including resignation and discharge for cause during the quarter, all rights to an award will be forfeited.

5.10 Amendment and Termination of the Plan:  The MIC and/or the Chair of the Compensation Committee may terminate, suspend, or amend the Bonus Plan, in whole or in part, from time to time.

5.11 Payment from General Assets:  The payment of a Bonus Plan award shall be from the general assets of the Company.  Employees shall have no greater rights to payment than other general creditors of the Company.

5.12 Participation:  Participation in the Bonus Plan does not guarantee employment, nor does participation at any time guarantee ongoing participation.

5.13 Interpretation:  The Plan Administrator shall have full power and authority to interpret and administer the Bonus Plan.  Disputes arising under the Bonus Plan regarding the administration, interpretation or calculation of awards or any other matter may be submitted in writing to the MIC, who shall render a final and binding decision.


Participation in the Bonus Plan and all related discussion and documentation is considered fully confidential between the Company and the employee.  All employees are expected to honor this confidentiality and not disclose or discuss Bonus Plan matters with any persons other than his/her manager or Human Resources.  Failure to maintain confidentiality regarding the Bonus Plan may jeopardize participation and/or award eligibility.


Any participant who manipulates or attempts to manipulate the Bonus Plan for personal gain at the expense of customers, other employees, or Company objectives will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


The adoption and maintenance of the Bonus Plan shall not be deemed to be a contract of employment between the Company and an employee.  Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to give any employee the right to be retained in the employ of the Company or to interfere with the right of the Company to discharge any employee at any time, nor shall it interfere with the employee’s right to terminate employment at any time.


SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005 | 71 comments | Create New Account
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OT Here
Authored by: whoever57 on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:01 AM EDT
Please make them clickies -- use:
<a href=> Link description</a>

Then remember to set the Post Mode as "HTML Formatted"

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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: BigTex on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:02 AM EDT

The Bonus plan will cover all regular employees, except that employees who are
covered by sales commission or any other incentive-eligible program will not be
eligible to participate in the Bonus Plan.

Temporary employees, interns, independent contractors, and authorized agents are
not eligible to participate in the Bonus Plan.[/QUOTE]

Who is eligable?

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Corrections Here
Authored by: rm6990 on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:14 AM EDT
Corrections here

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The exciting bit - from 10.3
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:18 AM EDT
Emphasis added:

6. Corporate Transaction.

(a) As set forth in the Grant Notice, in the event of a Corporate Transaction, if the Optionee remains in service with the Company when a Corporate Transaction occurs, all Option Shares that would have become vested upon continued Service shall immediately vest in full and become exercisable notwithstanding any provision to the contrary of such grant and shall remain exercisable until it expires or terminates in accordance with its terms.

(b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, to the extent that any payment or benefit provided for herein is required to be paid or vested at any earlier date under the terms of any plan, agreement or arrangement, such plan, agreement or arrangement shall control.

(c) This Agreement shall not in any way affect the right of the Corporation to adjust, reclassify, reorganize or otherwise change its capital or business structure assets.


G. Corporate Transaction (i) shall have the meaning of the term “Change in Control” as defined in the Change in Control Agreement dated December 10, 2004 between the Corporation and the Optionee, as such may be amended from time to time and (ii) shall include the declaration by the Corporation’s board of directors of the payment of a dividend to the common stockholders of the Corporation as a result of the Corporation entering into a cash settlement in its litigation with IBM.

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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:25 AM EDT
Darn! I was holding out for free SCO Source licences for me and my family...
Now that's an incentive!!

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Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:34 AM EDT

The Bonus Pool will be comprised of three components: 1) 40% related to revenue; 2) 40% related to operating performance; and 3) 20% related to personal objectives.

There will be no Bonus Pool established unless the revenue and operating performance targets are attained at 100%. Additionally, if the Bonus Pool and subsequent payment of bonuses causes the UNIX business to have negative cash flow for a particular quarter, the Bonus Pool will be pro-rated to ensure that the UNIX business does not generate negative cash flow.

The revenue and operating performance targets for each quarter of fiscal year 2005 shall be established by the Compensation Committee.

This section reads to me as if:

The Bonus Pool is not connected with profit in the Unix Businees.

If the Bonus Pool payout excceeds the profit made by the Unix Business it will not be paid beyond the point of extingushing that profit.

Therfore the Bonus Pool is related to business other than Unix.

What else is there apart from their Litigation Business for this Bonus Pool to be based on?

Brian S.

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  • 4.0 BONUS POOL - Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:37 AM EDT
SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:50 AM EDT
Here is a company that is going down the drain, and the CEO is worried about
bonus plans. This tells the whole story. SCO is just raping shareholders.
When are FED's going to shut down these corporate crooks?

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This seems easy enough ?
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:53 AM EDT

20% of remaining funds and any income are to be shared among the staff who can
take out Groklaw.

No one will qualify for the remaining 80%.


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Advice to Darl
Authored by: belzecue on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 02:02 AM EDT
Here's my advice to Darl:

* Devote all your time to growing your business instead of wasting it building
elaborate bonus and incentive schemes. In other words, get some loot into the
treasure chest before you worry about dividing it.

* Just accept that people don't want to work for you. You know why. We all
know why. Accept that giving out IOUs to the employees counts for zilch, nada,
zip. Accept that reasons people WANT to work for a company are: the pay is
insanely good, or the work is insanely fun, or the prestige is insanely high.
"The management is insane" is not in that list.

* Just turn the ship around now. Seriously. Eat crow for a year, apologise in
every news outlet, rebuild every bridge that you have single-handedly burned in
your tenure as CEO. You want a challenge to prove your mettle? There it is.
Imagine pulling it off, Darl. Imagine going from public enemy number 1 to
darling of the open source community. Has any CEO done something so herculean?
I don't know. Can it be done? Of course.

Failing the above, just stay on your present course, keep applying your scorched
earth policy to everything you touch, enjoy the money in your retirement, and
know that you will be known forever as the buffoon leader of the Gang Who
Couldn't Shoot Straight.

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Pay rate
Authored by: Newsome on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 02:29 AM EDT
Darl McBride is getting $265,000 a year to flush SCO's business, and we're paying for the opportunity to flush SCO's "case".

Is this justice? :)

Frank Sorenson

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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: atul on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 02:45 AM EDT
Wow, there's just all kinds of fun in that plan. For starters, unless SCO meets all of its objectives, nobody gets a bonus under the plan, so it's not so much a "plan" as a hypothesis. And then they come out and say they'll fiddle with the plan if they need to fudge their Unix numbers in a given quarter.

And then they go on to say that one of the objectives of the plan is to "Reward achievement of specific Company Revenue and Operating Loss objectives". Hmm. No mention of profitability there. They ought to at least play at being optimistic in that regard, if one of their other objectives is to "Improve Morale".

If you're a SCO employee, and you happen to die during the quarter, the bonus paid to your estate will be prorated based on how much of the quarter you were alive. That's just plain meanspirited, that is. But it gets better. If you're subjected to an "involuntary separation" during the quarter, which is a distinct possibility, you will only be *considered* for a prorated bonus. In other words, you get nothing.

At several points, the plan goes to great pains to inform lucky participants, that being part of the plan is not a guarantee of continued employment, or of continued participation in the plan, and in fact it's not a legally binding contract of any kind whatsoever. So even if there was a realistic chance of any bonus ever being paid under the plan, the company still intends to regard all provisions of the plan as nonbinding.

But my favorite bit is where they say "Employees shall have no greater rights to payment than other general creditors of the Company". In other words, employees get to stand in line with the rabble once the inevitable BK filing occurs. If you're lucky, you'll get a couple of cents on the dollar, but more likely the BK trustee will laugh at the very idea of paying performance bonuses to employees of a bankrupt company, and you'll get zilch.

I think this is a truly excellent bonus plan. I mean, my morale's improved already. On the other hand, I don't work for SCO.

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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 05:27 AM EDT
In 2003, apparently Darl's salary was at $1m + $750,000 in bonus. I guess someone discovered that he wasn't doing such a good job after all ;)

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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: kevin lyda on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 06:30 AM EDT
you know, for one third that salary i could make sco a profitable company. most
people here could.

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Authored by: pooky on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 01:59 PM EDT

This is my favorite part:


Any participant who manipulates or attempts to manipulate the Bonus Plan for personal gain at the expense of customers, other employees, or Company objectives will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

No further comment is necessary.


Many Bothans died to bring us this information.

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Stock Options (see next story)
Authored by: red floyd on Tuesday, May 31 2005 @ 02:29 PM EDT
PJ mentioned the stock option grant, so I'll discuss it here, even though it's
in the next story.

6(a) appears to be standard. I seem to remember a clause like it in an option
grant I got from a startup.

5(b), on the other hand is *much* more interesting.

I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a *CITIZEN* of the United
States of America.

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SCO Group Employee Incentive Bonus Plan Fiscal Year 2005
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, June 02 2005 @ 10:00 AM EDT
thanks - now I have to wipe up my keyboard and screen from the coffed I spit
from laughing so hard.

SCO Bonus Plan - is that an oxymoron.

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