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Open Source Seminar Friday in Boston Area
Tuesday, June 21 2005 @ 12:41 PM EDT

Those of you anywhere near Boston may want to try to attend this seminar just outside of Boston, at Babson College this Friday. Dan Bricklin is one of the moderators, and he says he wants lots of audience participation, and they hope to have many developers there. In fact, that is very much the point.

The fee is reasonable, only $20 if you preregister and $25 at the door. Red Hat, IBM, JasperSoft, Novell, JBoss, and Black Duck will all have representatives there. Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman will be there, heading one of the panels, a technical discussion that will also include info on how to run a successful Open Source project. There will also be a discussion on licensing issues and one called "Open Source Business Models And Strategies" to discuss "the challenges they face as they go against the proprietary commercial giants", something I know a little bit about myself, now that I think of it.

: )

The Massachusetts Software Council has established a new Open Source Special Interest Group, SIG, to "facilitate a dialog between professionals who are engaged in efforts around the topic of open source." This event, sponsored by Ascential Software, is the kickoff meeting, to open the dialogue. There will be three "audience-driven" panel sessions, plus lunch, and you get Bricklin's new video, "A Developer's Introduction to Copyright and Open Source: Why a Lawyer is a Developer's Friend".

They say this is what you can learn: "Learn from both industry experts and attendees about how open source is helping businesses lower the cost of technologies, how it creates disruptive innovations benefiting enterprises and how to mitigate any legal risks around the use and deployment of open source." Of course it's that last part that is of most interest to us. I hope they'll be taping, and I hear they are working on that, for those of us who can't be there in person, but if you can attend, please send us a report of your impressions.

Here's the information they provide regarding the event:


The Massachusetts Software Council has established a new Open Source Special Interest Group to facilitate a dialog between professionals who are engaged in efforts around the topic of open source.

The Open Source Summit will serve as a basis for further opening the dialog on this very important emerging topic in the software industry. It is expected that all attendees will actively engage in collaborative discussions with panel members.

The event, moderated by Dan Bricklin, President, Software Garden, and Bob Zurek, Vice President, Advanced Technology, Ascential Software, will consist of 3 key audience driven interactive panel sessions, along with a luncheon industry keynote.

Panel Sessions:

Open Source Licensing
Hosted by Karen Copenhaver, general counsel of Black Duck Software, and Ira Heffan of Goodwin Procter, this panel will discuss some of the most interesting recent developments in open source licensing topics.

Open Source Business Models And Strategies
Hosted by Tim Yeaton, Chief Marketing Officer, Red Hat, Paul Doscher, CEO, JasperSoft, and Douglas Heintzman, Director of Technical Strategy for IBM Software Group, this session will discuss the state of affairs in the world of open source businesses and the challenges they face as they go against the proprietary commercial giants.

Open Source Technical Discussion
Hosted by Nat Friedman VP Engineering and Collaboration, Novell, and Miguel de Icaza, VP Engineering, Mono Project and Ximian Co-Founder, this session will feature a technical discussion along with tips on how to create a successful open source Project.

The Luncheon Keynote will be presented by Marc Fleury, Founder, Chairman and CEO, JBoss Group.

Who Will Be There
CXO's, Key industry experts, IT management, technology and business strategists, venture capitalists, open source startups and legal professionals who want to keep up with current and future IP issues.

What You Will Learn
Learn from both industry experts and attendees about how open source is helping businesses lower the cost of technologies, how it creates disruptive innovations benefiting enterprises and how to mitigate any legal risks around the use and deployment of open source.

Special Giveaway
Attendees will receive a complimentary evaluation copy of Dan Bricklin's new corporate training video, "A Developer's Introduction to Copyright and Open Source: Why a Lawyer is a Developer's Friend" (a $29.95 value. Produced for use as part of a software license compliance program, the video is designed to help bring developers up to speed on legal issues and to help them understand how those issues are now part of the development process.

Attendees will also have 2 chances to win an Apple 1 gigabyte iPod Shuffle.

Cost: Members



Open Source Seminar Friday in Boston Area | 10 comments | Create New Account
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O/T, links, and other neat stuff here, please...
Authored by: jbeadle on Tuesday, June 21 2005 @ 12:51 PM EDT
You know the drill, and if not, it's on the Reply page...


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Corrections here, please...
Authored by: jbeadle on Tuesday, June 21 2005 @ 12:56 PM EDT
So PJ can find 'em fast.


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Open Source Seminar Friday in Boston Area
Authored by: Nick_UK on Tuesday, June 21 2005 @ 03:55 PM EDT
Damn! I have my first visit across the pond (Montreal)
around the 4th (work trip :-) ) and the first week is all
mine - I plan to live off my pants and visit NY, Chicago
etc. etc.

Can anybody here get them to postpone by 2 weeks?

Nick ;-)

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  • Try BSF - n/t - Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, June 21 2005 @ 06:39 PM EDT
Open Source Seminar Friday in Boston Area
Authored by: fredex on Thursday, June 23 2005 @ 03:30 PM EDT
I'll be there, I got my employer to send me!

Anybody else going?

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