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A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page - Updated
Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 05:39 PM EST

UPDATE: We have incorporated your suggestions, and done some formatting changes, which I'd like your feedback on, and the permanent page is now here. You can reach it any time by clicking on ODF in the list of permanent pages.

Here's a draft of what will be a new permanent page on Groklaw, a timeline of all important events in the story of Massachusetts' adoption of Open Formats, Open Standards and it's a compilation of resources. It's in four sections: 1) resources; 2) by topic; 3) events chronologically; and 4) miscellaneous resources. There is some overlap, so that everyone can find what they are looking for, no matter how they approach it. If you can't find it anywhere else, look in the chronological list.

This is a group work by Groklaw members, on which many volunteers labored. It is intended as a resource for journalists, legislators, and the public, for anyone who wishes to understand the story better and/or who may be searching for a particular event or document related to this ongoing history.

Please look our draft over, and let me know of any corrections, additions, or subtractions, or if you see a better way to organize it, please suggest it. When it's finished, it will be added to the list of Groklaw's permanent links as ODF/MS-XML or MA TIMELINE, or some title you suggest. It has to be short to fit in the space for links. One thing I see we need to add is a section on the disability issue, if anyone wishes to tackle it.




Andy Updegrove's Standards blog
Sun's Simon Phipps
David Berlind
Microsoft's Brian Jones
IBM's Bob Sutor
Dan Bricklin
Peter Korn, Sun's Accessibility Architect

Audio, Video, Transcripts of Public Meetings:

Eric Kriss January 18, 2005 Speech on Open Formats -Transcripts and audio
MP3 of September 16 meeting on Open Formats - Transcript of meeting
Transcript of Oct. 31, 2005 hearing in MA, statements by Microsoft, asking to be included; Audio
Audio of December 14 meeting on ODF/MS XML in MA; Agenda for meeting, speakers; Transcript of MS' Alan Yates' remarks



Massachusetts, Open Document, and Accessibility, by Peter Korn, SUN Accessibililty Architect Accessibility Project Disabilities and Assistive Technology
DOJ Section 508 Home Page; statute
ODF Subpar for Disabled? Not so Fast, Says Google Researcher
Top National Advocate for Disabled Sets Terms for Endorsement of ODF

Covenants Not to Sue:

Sun's ODF covenant not to sue
Microsoft Covenant Regarding Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas
Microsoft FAQ explaining covenant
Andy Updegrove's comparison of Sun's covenant not to sue with Microsoft's
Microsoft FAQ on Office 2003 XML


Problems Noted in MS' Original License for XML - GPL Excluded
Larry Rosen Delighted with Microsoft's Covenant not to sue
Questions raised by Sun's Simon Phippps and Groklaw about Microsoft's covenant not to sue
2 escape hatches identified in covenant not to sue - confirmed by Larry Rosen
MA amendment offered to block ITD
MS Terms of Reference for Ecma
Sun's ODF covenant not to sue
Microsoft Covenant Regarding Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas
Microsoft FAQ explaining covenant
Andy Updegrove's comparison of Sun's covenant not to sue with Microsoft's
Microsoft FAQ on Office 2003 XML
Brief of the Information Technology Division Regarding Adoption of Open Document Format [PDF]- Linda Hamel, Esq., General Counsel, ITD, MA

Massachusetts Documents:

MA Enterprise Technical Reference Model (ETRM)
MA Public Records Law and the question of universal access
MA Information Technology Division FAQ on open policy
Brief of the Information Technology Division Regarding Adoption of Open Document Format [PDF]- Linda Hamel, Esq., General Counsel, ITD, MA

OpenDocument Format:

The Open Document Format for Office specification
Widipedia on OpenDocument
Answering Microsoft: Comments on Microsoft's Letter to MA ~ by David A. Wheeler
The Future Is Open: What OpenDocument Is And Why You Should Care


Ecma Powerpoint on their policies
OASIS paper, Patents and Open Standards
When Open Standards Really Matter - The Katrina Factor
An Economic Basis for Open Standards


CCIA Explains Interoperability Issues with MS' XML
Format comparison between ODF and XML
Security expert Dan Geer's Letter to MA Senator Pacheco


MA says MS will change XML license to qualify - January 14

Eric Kriss Speech on Open Formats -Transcripts and audio, January 18

MA Posts New Draft of Open Formats standard, requests comments - March 22

Microsoft Tries to Qualify as Open Format - March 24

Problems Noted in MS' License for XML - GPL Excluded

MA Chooses OASIS OpenDoc XML as Office Standard - Requesting Comments - August 31

Sun's Simon Phipps answers critic of MA decision - September 8

MP3 of September 16 meeting on Open Formats - Transcript of meeting- September 16

MA - Final Decision to go with ODF - September 23

Reactions to MA decision to go with ODF - September 25

Comments from around the world on MA's ITD website

Sun's ODF covenant not to sue

OpenDocument XML standard submitted to the ISO/IEC JTC1 (International Organization for Standardization International Electrotechnical Commission's Joint Technical Committee) for further approval as a de jure standard, September 2005

Pro-MS FUD on FOX News and corrections - September 29, 30

Microsoft To Support PDF in Office 12 - October 3

Microsoft's Initial Reaction: Unfair - October 15

Microsoft: We were railroaded in Massachusetts on ODF, ZDNET, Berlind - October 17

MS won't support ODF Microsoft's Second Reaction, maybe to ODF - October 16

French company found writing ODF plugin for MS - October 27

Microsoft General Manager Alan Yates' letter to MA in opposition to ODF

KOffice letter in reply; other letters

Answering Microsoft: Comments on Microsoft's Letter to MA ~ by David A. Wheeler - October 29

Transcript of Oct. 31, 2005 hearing in MA, statements by Microsoft, asking to be included; Audio

MA politicians intervene, the disability issue - November 3

Sun Microsystem's CEO Scott McNealy's letter to Peter Quinn, ITD Director & Chief Information Officer for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Sun announces they'll convert Word files to ODF - November 8

Andy Updegrove reports on political events November 9

Brief of the Information Technology Division Regarding Adoption of Open Document Format [PDF] by Linda Hamel, Esq., General Counsel, ITD, MA, submitted to The Honorable Marc Pacheco, Chair, Senate Post Audit Committee - November 16

MA politicos try to wrest control of IT decisions - Amendment introduced - November 17

MS announces Ecma submission plan; Larry Rosen supports it - November 21

MS covenant not to sue announced - November 23

Boston Globe attack on Peter Quinn - November 26; exonerated December 10

Reactions to MS' "glimmer of openness" in covenant not to sue and some history of MS standards tricks - November 28

MA warms to MS after announcement about Ecma - November 28

Legal and other questions raised by Sun's Simon Phippps and Groklaw about Microsoft's covenant not to sue and issues about Ecma policies - November 29

2 escape hatches identified in covenant not to sue - confirmed by Larry Rosen - December 2

IBM's letter to Gov. Romney - December 5

The terms of reference for MS' ECMA submission leaked - December 7

CCIA Calls on Ecma to Reject MS XML - December 7

Ecma votes yes to setting up MS technical committee - December 8

Security expert Dan Geer's letter to Sen. Pacheco - December 9

Microsoft publishes FAQ explaining covenant not to sue - December 13

Audio of December 14 meeting on ODF/MS XML in MA; Agenda for meeting, speakers; Transcript of MS' Alan Yates' remarks - December 14

5 US Library Associations Support ODF, Send Letter to MA Sec. of State William Galvin


Reactions to MS' "glimmer of openness" and history of MS standards tricks
Report of a large-scale migration project
OpenDocument XML adopted in Australia for long-term storage of government documents
Norwegian Minister: Proprietary Formats No Longer Acceptable in Communication with Government
Corel Commits to ODF
David Wheeler's Why OpenDocument won
ZDNET: MS Should Just Support ODF
EU Commission says MS not doing enough to allow interoperability
MS' US XML Patent application
New Zealand patent application
Video of October 27, 2005 conference at on ODF at Berkman Center meeting on how standards support interoperability; link to audio
Microsoft file standard offers 'minimum openness' - ZDNET
Microsoft assaults monoculture' - CNET
Legal Analyst Sees Defect in Microsoft Open XML Initiative


A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page - Updated | 95 comments | Create New Account
Comments belong to whoever posts them. Please notify us of inappropriate comments.
Corrections here ... if needed (N/T)
Authored by: alisonken1 on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 05:51 PM EST

- Ken -
Registered Linux user #296561
Slackin' since 1994 -

[ Reply to This | # ]

Off-topic here
Authored by: alisonken1 on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 05:52 PM EST
And to think I finally made both!

- Ken -
Registered Linux user #296561
Slackin' since 1994 -

[ Reply to This | # ]

"MA Timeline" not a good title
Authored by: Felix_the_Mac on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 06:44 PM EST

If I was arriving at Groklaw for the first time looking for info on the MS vs
ODF story, I could well not recognize that the "MA Timeline" link was
the pertinent one.

I would suggest something like "ODF / MS XML"

[ Reply to This | # ]

A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page
Authored by: omz on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 07:32 PM EST
great article and very useful !!

[ Reply to This | # ]

  • Agreed - Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 07:36 AM EST
LAYOUT IDEA - Timeline
Authored by: dm42 on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 07:41 PM EST
2 thoughts - (1) put the dates before the article and not after. (2) maybe format it as an unorderd list (or maybe table?) e.g.
  • DATE 1
    • Article/Link 1 - brief synopsis
    • Article/Link 2 - brief synopsis
    • Article/Link 3 - brief synopsis
  • Date 2
    • Article/Link - brief synopsis
Just a thought. Keep up the good work all!

[ Reply to This | # ]

Authored by: alangmead on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 09:33 PM EST
Do you want copies of the MA Accounting and Finance Travel Guidelin es and Travel Authorization Form? Or are those too much on the fringe of the story.

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Another Article to add
Authored by: bsstmiller on Thursday, December 15 2005 @ 09:44 PM EST
0000616">ODF: The Better, More Affordable Office Standard</a>

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A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page
Authored by: grouch on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 02:58 AM EST
I'm about half-way through the page.

Anybody else working on it?

-- grouch

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Thanks to everyone involved.
Authored by: RPN on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 04:52 AM EST
I'm afraid I don't have any real time and expertise to contribute but know
enough of such tasks to know that a lot of work has gone into this new resource.
Thanks everyone, much appreciated.


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Valoris ODF Report to EU in 2003
Authored by: AntiFUD on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 08:22 AM EST
I don't know if this is still of interest, but I found it to be well worth reading and I now find that it has been replied to by Microsoft and Sun. I must admit that I haven't read the replies yet (I may comment further when I have had a chance to compare the three documents with my understanding of the most recent events in MA.).

The report entitled: Comparative assessment of Open Documents Formats Market Overview is available as a 367KB pdf together with the replies (MS 68KB pdf and SUN 38KB pdf) at the IDABC Website

Since the report compares all the document types including (La)TeX, XHTML, PS, DocBook, XML Data Package, pdf, Framemaker, Kword, AbiWord, WordML, Word (8 versions!), rtf, WordPerfect, StarWriter, StarOffice, and OOo, and describes how XML works (and what Standards it uses/used) I found it very educational in assessing Massachusetts' ETRM.

Hope this helps.

IANAL - But IAAAMotFSF(not related to Daniel Wallace) - Free to Fight FUD

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I can't see a link to the Open Document Fellowship.
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 09:30 AM EST


Brian S.

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A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page
Authored by: cknadle on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 10:35 AM EST
Wow, what an excellent page of information. I like the organization with
multiple formats. It should help explain that MS is not being so forthcoming in
their statements of 1) "we've never been against the ODF format",
which is highly unlikely, and 2) their real intent -- that of control -- in
proposing that everyone go with _their_ format.

Although they've been working on the arguments against using their format, they
haven't put in as much effort into fixing it to make it the _right_ format for
everyone. I wish they were more willing to do that.

-- Chris

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Gary Edwards interview on Mad Penguin
Authored by: bphenry on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 10:54 AM EST
There is an interview with Gare Edwards on Mad Penquin that I think would be prudent to include in the Miscellaneous section.


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A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page
Authored by: marbux on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 01:50 PM EST
I'd like to see two short sections added somewhere:

Applications supporting OpenDocument:

OpenDocument Development Tools:

Also, I'm not sure how to pull it off, but somehow we need to indicate that Wikipedia's OpenDocument article is the major Web intersection for OpenDocument information. Maybe give it a category of its own called "starting point?"

Retired lawyer

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A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page
Authored by: marbux on Friday, December 16 2005 @ 01:55 PM EST
I think the links would be far easier to read and skim if each category was done as an unordered list so each entry is preceded by a bullet and indented.

Retired lawyer

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A Massachusetts ODF-MS XML Timeline/Resource Page - Updated
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, December 19 2005 @ 09:48 AM EST
I am puzzled. If a handicaped individuals owns a Mac or Linux based computer
and tries to access a MicroSponge document, isn't that an issue?

I have been
denied access to websites because they only support Internet Exploder. Do i
have a case for denied freedom of information?

Penguin lover.

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