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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 03:18 PM EDT

Microsoft has just launched a program called OnMyWay, by which Microsoft will offer training and financial help to young people. It has begun dispensing help in Europe already, but more largesse is to come. If you look at the How We Help page, it says "Microsoft may provide help in the form of finance, educational materials or equipment." I'm told the ads are seen in four countries so far, Germany, France, the UK, and Australia.

They say the only requirement is "that their future career prospects will really benefit from participation in and completion of their chosen training programme." If you note, the home page says, "Microsoft aims to provide financial or material sponsorship that will help such people to achieve their goals in their chosen subject and so gain a foothold on the ladder to success in their career." So sweet. So like Microsoft to want to give away money and equipment just because.

Here's why they say they want to help:

Microsoft wants to promote the development of expertise in the ever expanding IT market - and employment in general - in large parts of Europe. It is clear that there is a need to provide appropriate training programmes and to motivate people to join such schemes and realise their true potential.

That’s why Microsoft developed the initiative to form partnerships with specialist training organisations and generate the necessary support for people who might not otherwise have the opportunity or incentive to consider a course that would take them on an upward career path.

OK. What's this really all about? I have a working theory for your consideration. I noticed something striking. While the ads are being run so far only in those four countries, and it's supposed to be a global branding campaign, if you look at who is on the list of those who have gotten help from the program already, you see groups from the UK, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland and Italy. I took a look at how each country on this list voted on OOXML in March.

The Czech Republic, the UK, Germany, Denmark, Finland and Norway all voted to approve OOXML.

This was a change for each of them. In September, the Czech Republic, the UK, Denmark, and Norway had voted to disapprove, so this was a change in Microsoft's favor. Finland abstained in September, and it voted to approve in March as well.

They all changed to approve, in other words, and now they are on the opening list of beneficiaries of Microsoft's beneficence, for which it is so well-known.

Spain and Italy remained the same as in September, abstaining, which, under the ISO rules can also be helpful. You'll recall Italy was where the members of the committee suddenly grew from 6 to 83 before the September vote. If you look at the composition of the original 6, the outcome seems to me unlikely to have been to abstain, minus the stacking of the committee. And we remember the highjinks in Spain, before the September vote as well. But they can't hold a candle to what happened in France, which suddenly reversed its No vote to Abstain. Australia also famously abstained.

So. What do you think of my theory? There's an article in Shoot's May edition, page 14, about the new branding campaign, and it calls it a "global" campaign, with "viral videos playing in four countries" already, the UK, Germany, France and Australia, showing young people who have benefited from the "Microsoft Learning Center". Other such mini documentaries also show young people and "how Microsoft helps them in crucial moments of their lives with free classes and access to technology," this according to Matthew Winks, VP/exec producer at McCann Worldgroup, which produced the videos. Perfect name, I think.

So who isn't on the list of recipients? I see no young people from India, which voted against OOXML and criticized the process but where young people could probably use some help. Where's New Zealand, which voted no? South Africa, which not only voted no but filed an official appeal of the OOXML approval? They don't need help for young people there? The other countries that voted No, like China, Venezuela, Canada, Ecuador? Don't get me wrong. I'm not hoping Microsoft spreads its technology to young people anywhere. I'm just saying.

They'll probably show up, after this article. Maybe that was already the eventual plan, but I can't help noticing who got the first bite of the apple. It is at least a remarkable coincidence.


Microsoft Launches OnMyWay | 152 comments | Create New Account
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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 03:39 PM EDT
beware of the giant wooden horse and the bill who rode in on it.

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I know of school (teachers) who got free computers and software etc (to brainwash their schools)
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 03:50 PM EDT
Microsoft has many eduction programs, give out hardware and software, etc... to
teachers who then work on the inside to get more MS software use from the inside
of the teacher's lounge (getting more teachers on board). Indeed, it is a
marketing program... that with all the cash that they have they can afford to

Question is this: Does the Gates Foundation also give only to areas of the
world that are friendly to Microsoft?

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Authored by: alisonken1 on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 03:51 PM EDT
Short correction in subject would be nice - context in body would help.


Subject: Kerection -> Correction

Body: 4th paragraph second sentence (or some such).

- Ken -
Registered Linux user^W^WJohn Doe #296561
Slackin' since 1993

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Only one of the many ways...
Authored by: psherma1 on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 03:53 PM EDT
PR, bribes, bastardized standards and all sundry of other dirty tricks. There
seems an almost infinite number of ways a company with a large user base and
gobs of money can get around those pesky issues of quality and interoperability.

I expect the "poor pitiful me" cries from Redmond -- how the commie
ODF crowd and the EU are picking on them. Poor MS, who can't even afford Yahoo
to compete with the big, bad Google (part of that nasty ODF-loving crowd.) After
all -- MS Office is the best (why everyone is using it...) but if you manage to
make a buck the world comes after you.

All the while the back room negotiations go on. Politicians and PR spin about
the benevolence of MS and that they should be given them a chance to get
involved and come around and the next thing you know it's the same old embrace,
extend, extinguish.

One look at the state of the OLPC and we should see this is very possible. It
ain't over 'till it's over -- glad you are keeping your eyes on the ball, PJ.

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The vast majority voted in favor of OOXML
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 03:57 PM EDT
So, it is a bit too easy to see a correlation between this program and the votes
in favor of OOXML.
It's much like seeing a correlation between people who have breakfast and people
who use Windows.

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UK schools ICT advisory body...
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:05 PM EDT
...Becta, has joined in the EU anti-trust investigation on interoperability and
also has recommended that schools etc., do nor use Vista/Office 2007.

UKUUG is seeking to get the BSI decision quashed in a Judicial Review (and so
leaving the original "object" on the table). Based on everyone's
analysis of the approvals process generally, they must be in with a shout.

I hasten to add (and my inclination is to agree) that you may well have come to
the right conclusion (there's more to the UK than Becta) but the reasoning is
not fully there.

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OnMyWay Isn't A Repayment, It's A Retainer
Authored by: TheBlueSkyRanger on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:14 PM EDT
Hey, everybody!

I think PJ is partly right, but I don't think it's simple payback. With the
process now short circuited thanks to South Africa, I think this is trying to
make sure the countries they have in their pocket stay there. It's a reminder
of the generosity they were promised if they stick to their guns and help push
this through.

This suggests to me there is a HUGE problem for M$ if they have to trot this
out. After all, only one country has filed a complaint, South Africa. No one
else, even those that have seen scandals erupt about how the votes got press
ganged by M$, is filing anything or even making moves to decertify. For
example, India is curiously silent. This should be no trouble, if it's only
South Africa putting the wheels in motion. So something else has to be
happening, and M$ is counting on their lapdogs to pull them through.

So keep those eyes sharp, because I'd bet you a week's worth of Asian dumplings
(can you tell I'm cooking as I read and write this?) there is something else
lurking behind the scenes. I wonder if this might also be connected to the ODF
support announcement....

Dobre utka,
The Blue Sky Ranger

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:16 PM EDT
looking at the UK initiative which is a multi-agency regeneration project, you'd be hard pushed to see where the Microsoft contribution even fits in.

Perhaps it's just good old "making their marketing dollar stretch further" without actually doing much?

(This isn't praise, in case anyone were wondering)

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:36 PM EDT
Theoretically to be applauded, but ...

1) It's a case of 'segment the market'. It divides the children into 'those who
are helped' and 'those who are not'

2) Microsoft are still funding other people's commercial litigation. If they
wish to engage in commercial litigation, they should do so in their own name.
Funding other people's litigation is corrosive and destructive, weakens
businesses including their own, and invites complaints from competitors.

3) Have Microsoft paid their $1.6B 'Parking Fine' to the EU yet ? If I didn't
pay a parking fine, I'd get my cart towed away and crushed. Same law for
everyone ?

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on conspiracies and bad-mouthing
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:39 PM EDT
I'm sorry to say that these over-the-top nuts conspiracy theories are getting
the better of you :-( Frankly, it's getting tiresome. Groklaw is great when you
stick to the facts, less so in diatribes like this.

I'm sick of you bad-mouthing of Czech, too. It's disgusting how you, of all
people, have apparently zero interest in getting the facts:

The person who was in charge of moderating commenting process for OOXML in Czech
Rep. is well-known and respected expert who could never be "bought" as
you imply.

The facts are that he's the one that takes most credit for CR's initial "no
WITH COMMENTS" (not "no" as you claim here) vote on OOXML. It's
through no fault of his -- or anybody in CNI, really -- that all CZ's comments
happened to be resolved by ECMA. The comments process was open in CR and nobody
submitted more comments. *IBM*, the only entity that still kept working on this
after the first vote, agreed that all the comments were resolved in satisfactory
way and didn't oppose the resolutions (save, IIRC, one minor thing).

So at this point, there were *no* comments in opposition to OOXML that were
still valid. Therefore, Mr Kosek had *no choice* (by the book) but to recommend
Yes vote. Not because he's corrupt, but because IBM and others, including all
the trolls that are now screaming abuse on him (such as, most sadly, you) didn't
bother to actually do some *work* on making OOXML not happen.

Essentially, he finds himself in pretty much the same situation as Peter Quinn
from Massachusetts - abused and slandered for doing his job.

BTW, he's on record saying that he, personally, didn't notice any pressure from
Microsoft CZ (despite, as he says, pissing them off to no end by his "no
with comments" recommendation). That the only unpleasant pressure that he
experienced was from anti-OOXML zealots (he politely says "crowd", but
I'm anti-OOXML too, but I would never write things like what I've seen in his
blog's comments).

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Off Topic Here
Authored by: SilverWave on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:42 PM EDT
Peace :)

Phorm is highly intrusive - it's like the P.O. opening all my letters to see
what I'm interested in, merely so that I can be sent a better class of junk

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News Picks
Authored by: SilverWave on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:43 PM EDT
Have a nice day :)

Phorm is highly intrusive - it's like the P.O. opening all my letters to see
what I'm interested in, merely so that I can be sent a better class of junk

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Fact checks?
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:44 PM EDT

this isn't the usual well-researched Groklaw article. Your voice has a lot of
weight these days, so it makes me uncomfortable that you publish something like
this with very little supporting facts.

I know you are not formally a journalist, but the depth of your coverage of SCO
is so above everyone else, that I'm now disappointed (perhaps unfairly) that you
didn't check with MS on the schedule for other countries, and/or got some
supporting facts from other sources.

One factoid that may or may not mean much is worth keeping track of, but perhaps
not worth finger pointing - just yet.

Sure "MS is a big bad baddie" but to follow the incredibly solid
facts-based stuff you have on SCO-vs-the-world with this weak article is...
well... weak.

~ martin langhoff

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: grundy on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:54 PM EDT

This was the first time I visited a Microsoft site — It did weird
things to my browser and hid most of the pages behind a
"Download Silverlight (or else ..)" banner. First time and last!

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 04:59 PM EDT
Who is the 'my' here?

Why do I associatte this with
InMyWay and OnMyTerms.


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An additional reason.
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 05:29 PM EDT
Microsoft seem to be loosing developers in their ecosystem. All the tools you
need and information and help are more readily available from FOSS sources. MS
can only counter this by starting programs to get people to train up on their

A bit like the only way for them to improve the popularity of their search
engine is to pay people to use it.

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Another example of "whack-a-mole"
Authored by: TiddlyPom on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 05:53 PM EDT
Microsoft are terrified that the general public are starting to notice Linux. There is no mass uptake of Linux yet but once there are enough ultra-light portables out there running Linux (and in major stores) then someone is bound to notice. Once enough people notice then perhaps a few people might start to think
Why do we have to keep paying for
  • Windows
  • Microsoft Office
  • Virus scanners
  • Spyware scanners
  • Application software
  • Steve Ballmer's retirement fund
when we can get all this for free?
Let's distract people away from the fact that we have released a bloated, buggy operating system (Vista) that nobody really wants with a bit of cash taken from some users slightly richer users and given to other slightly poorer users (i.e. rob the rich to give to the poor).

This is just another example of the "whack-a-mole" strategy of how Microsoft is trying to deal with Linux. Stamp out any good Linux publicity wherever we can by distraction. The thing is this will only work for so long. It doesn't take a large percentage of users to switch for the momentum to start the ball rolling.

I think I smell the winds of change Mr Ballmer...

Open Source Software - Unpicking the Microsoft monopoly piece-by-piece.

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The Failure of Philanthropy
Authored by: sproggit on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 06:08 PM EDT
It might be a stretch, but we might be tempted - if we were to think of this
proposal in it's most positive light - as the suggestion that Microsoft had
turned a philanthropic leaf and were willing to "give something back"
through this charitable giving.

But, as with many things, there's a catch.

I'll try and find it again, but a few months ago I read a wonderful article from
a New York based journalist that evaluated the effect of philanthropic giving
when it came from the super-wealthy. To my surprise, it was not nearly as
positive as I thought it would be. The balance of the article was analysis that
on one side of the argument, charitable giving from very wealthy and "high
profile" donors could often have the effect of drawing attention to a
worthy cause, in effect not just the giving, but the publicity of the giving
could be put to good use.

It was the downside - the counter-argument - that I found interesting.
Essentially the author pointed out that large-scale charitable giving, no matter
how well-intentioned the benefactor, would inevitable result in, to mis-use an
expression, the world being made over in their image. This is where the argument
becomes very complex, but let's try anyway.

Consider charitable giving in Africa. If you had a large sum of money, would you
direct it towards AIDS research, towards combating the effects of drought, or
perhaps towards education of the children? [ For the sake of the exercise,
imagine that you have sufficient funds to do only one task well...]

Would you say that all three are noble and worthy causes? [ Probably...] Would
you agree that if we were to take a statistical sample of Groklaw readers that
we would find a split across the three options? [Almost certainly]. Can you see
the two flaws in this approach? [ Maybe...]

The first flaw is that of "Limited Choice". By this I mean that no
matter how well intentioned, a philanthropist is more than likely to only select
those endeavors which they themselves believe to be worthy. In short, by the
choices they take, they make the world over in their image of right and wrong,
worth and unworthy. The more wealthy they are, the greater the hubris.

The second flaw is that of hypocrisy. How's that? Well, it's very simple. When
we consider the various ailments that beset the African continent today [and
we've just identified a mere three], exactly how many of them owe their root
cause to the meddling of richer, western nations, of the corruption of local
nations? More than we would like to admit to. It's hypocritical of us to talk
about giving aid to Africa when we rob her nations of their raw materials and
foodstuff at ridiculously cheap prices, or enable conflict and warfare by
selling weapons to unstable governments. Yet we do both. Far better for us to
stop this meddling and treat the people of Africa as our equals and not as the
recipients of whatever gifts we chose to hand out.

And so back to Microsoft and their latest gesture. On the surface it would seem
as though they are willing to help youngsters in many countries. But what are
all the terms in this equation? We may never know. Except to suspect that all
the hidden terms are those that benefit Microsoft in ways we may not understand.
If this company were as magnanimous as they would have us believe, then where
are their corporate ethics? It would be impossible for us to find a
"perfect company" as it's unlikely one exists... but there are plenty
of guides out there to help Microsoft improve.

For a start they could cut their prices. It's not like they're strapped for
cash. A good way for them to cut their expenses would be if they dropped all of
their lobbying budgets. After all, if they are working "above-board",
what would they need to pay lobbyists for, right?

They could alter their strategy to move away from lock-in, open their protocols
and formats to encourage others to build on top of their work and so on.

I think, to coin a phrase, pigs might fly...

Bottom line is simple - and it doesn't apply exclusively to Microsoft by the way
- and it is to say that instead of collecting surplus cash from customers and
then re-distributing it at the whim of the company, it would be better for
Microsoft to not collect the cash at all in the first place. Give the choice
back to the customers.

Which is, of course, something Microsoft will never do.

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First Microsoft Corrupted Files
Authored by: kawabago on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 06:09 PM EDT
Then came people. Next were Non Government Organizations, then politicians and
finally now whole governments. I guess next they'll get the Patriot Act changed
so it can be used against open source. Subversive free software, ohhhh save

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Troll Evaluation
Authored by: The Mad Hatter r on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 07:13 PM EDT

It's been interesting watching the evolution of the Groklaw Troll over the last
5 years. Originally they came out in droves for every TSCOG article. As time
went on, the Groklaw Troll's attention has switched to other targets.

Now it's the Microsoft articles that bring out the best and brightest trolls. I
was particularly impressed by the futility of their efforts in this article
today. Considering the large cash reserves that Microsoft has, you would think
that they would be able to hire more competent trolls.

Still their posts are amusing, and enlightening. In fact PJ's best articles are
the ones that draw the most trolls.


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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay - An ICBM
Authored by: BassSinger on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 07:32 PM EDT
What I haven't seen anyone else comment on is the "form" this aid will
take. If, as in the vast amounts that Bill & Melinda gave to schools, it
comes in the form of systems that include Windows OS and "win-modem"
style hardware, that cannot run Linux (currently or for the foreseeable future),
then it is yet another form of user lock in, for which MS is so famous. I don't
know about you, but that is where I'd put money most of their money will be
spent and aid given.

In A Chord,


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Here in Australian Schools
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 09:47 PM EDT
Microsoft is well entrenched with the Australian government officials via the
various mechanisms well described by others ("marketing" mechanisms
substantially similar to that used by international arms dealers). The
Microsoft computers in the state run schools are used for little more than
games. Australian working class children are effectively just warehoused and
kept off the streets - of course, they don't develop any marketable skills
either being kept nearly illiterate and innumerate - thanks to Microsoft! Help
like that we don't need!

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 09:50 PM EDT
The "M" must be a typo.... It should read "OnLyWay"

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"Capture the children" fallacy
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 10:38 PM EDT

I still think we pay too much attention to what corporates do with children.
I've never seen the correlation between what products children use vs. what they
use as adults. Apple's presence in the classroom doesn't seem to have done them
a whole lot of good when it comes to market share. So, I doubt Microsoft (or
Linux, either) will see a growth in mindshare from use in schools. The benefit
to children will be access to the technology, and the children will then be in a
position to decide for themselves when they grow up. There are no guarantees
what they will choose eventually.

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marketing? so what, why help promote it?
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 25 2008 @ 11:14 PM EDT
Umm, it's called marketing, and all companies do it. Trying to sway peoples
decisions in the future is about as nice as it gets too. Go look at Nestle' or
Monsanto if you just want to get angry at corporate nastiness just for the sake
of it. There are plenty of real things to get angry at MS for too.

The 'link' to the ooxml vote just doesn't pass a basic common sense test to me,
and I would suggest any other who has a bit of a think about it.

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Old Adage "Follow The Money"
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 12:18 AM EDT

PJ... for a change your speculation/conjecture might be right on this one;)

It's always a good idea to "Follow The Money" to understand what's happening. And in the case of MickeySoft that's true in spades.

Just look at how the MickeySoft Foundation operates. Everyone thinks Mickeysoft is giving millions or billions to some cause; when in fact MickeySoft contributes peanuts to a "project" while governments kick in 98% of the funds. But Mickeysoft FRAMES the project as if they, MickeySoft, gave 100 percent of the money to "project".

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Tom Lehrer's Olde Dope Peddler
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 02:05 AM EDT

he gives the kids free samples
because he knows full well
that todays young innocent faces
will be tomorrows clientele


'nuff said...

/Lars (not logged in)

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No, PJ, it's simpler than that
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 05:05 AM EDT

Microsoft "training programs" are just marketing of Microsoft software. Trainees are taught that "the operating system" means some form of Windows, etc.

The really sick thing is that there are governments which will allow a predatory corporation to brainwash young people in this way.

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How about we do something?
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 07:14 AM EDT
Instead of complaining how MS is unfair in this and that, lets do something
about it.

Microsoft doesn't fear open source talk...They fear open source software that is
licensed under the GPL v3. Saturate the market with good apps that exceed MS
solutions in every possible way, and they will react really crazy! :)

So what do we do?

(1) Research.
See what's the best way to offer kids the best education. (Certain teaching
methods work, while others fail miserably).

(2) Write better and polished apps.
Getting things to work => OK.

Now that's clean up and focus on the "little things" that make people
want to use our apps!

(3) Establish infrastructure.
Schools need support, we need to establish some sort infrastructure. It should
be a new way of doing things. The old and current ways don't suit this highly
dynamic nature.

End result, MS can bribe, and talk bad about us, but no amount of marketing will
counter a bunch of good solutions that have $0 licensing cost. They cannot
compete indefinitely in this manner. They may have billions in the bank, but its
NOT infinite...They can be bleed dry as EVERYTHING they do costs them money!
Including their hand towels!

There is nothing more scary for Microsoft than competition. Well, maybe open
source software licensed under the GPL. :)

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Genuine motivation
Authored by: davenewman on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 12:00 PM EDT
There may we be a genuine motivation for Microsoft engaging in such a programme. Currently, in many countries, schoolchildren are being turned off IT. Enrolments in any degree which includes IT are dropping, leading to skill shortages in many companies. Employers are desperate to find (a) good software developers and (b) managers who understand how to make their business benefit from innovative applications of IT.

Why are young people turning away from IT?

  1. They think all the jobs have gone to India. In fact, demand in the UK and Ireland has gone up every year since 2003, even with outsourcing.
  2. IT, as taught in UK schools, is often boring. Teachers who feel scared of IT fall back to the lowest common denominator: teaching pupils how to use Microsoft Office applications.

In short, Microsoft is having difficulties recruiting skilled staff, because it has been so successful in influencing the school curriculum to dumb down IT!

Now it is not in Microsoft's interests for a whole generation to grow up alienated from IT, thinking of it as boring and a waste of time, so of course it would fund projects to change this. This seems to be driven by their HR needs, rather than product marketing. They want good, well-rounded staff. Students on placement in Microsoft Dublin were laughed at for not knowing anything about Linux, as their degree only used Microsoft products.

The marketing spin is setting up their own programme, rather than investing in an industry-wide initiative under E-Skills UK.

Even so, it is better than the response of many UK universities to this problem - to give up, close down courses in Computing, Business Information Systems, Law and Computing etc., and make people redundant.

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 02:19 PM EDT
If you are looging for what is common between all these countries, the most
obvious is that they are all EUROPEAN. That may explain why countried like India
are not in there.
To get such an initiative rolling take a lot of logistics. It is easier to start
it off in a couple of countries where you can manage everything from one office,
and not having a 10 hour flight to get there. Not everything is about OOXML, you

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Normal Course of Business
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 26 2008 @ 02:26 PM EDT
So far as I can tell, this is just Microsoft handing out free product training courses to selected test markets. Other companies do similar things as part of their marketing efforts, although they don't bother trying to disguise them as being for anything other than promoting their product sales.

As to whether this is a "reward" to certain countries in return for voting "yes" for OOXML is not something that I would know. If it is, those countries were very foolish, as this is a program that Microsoft would have launched anyway as it is a normal marketing exercise. If it is successful in the test markets ("successful" in terms of expanding sales), you can expect to see it expanded to other markets, including ones that voted "no".

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Microsoft Launches OnMyWay - NOT OOXML vote.
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 27 2008 @ 08:13 AM EDT
I don't think the correct metric is being selected.

Rather than use the metric that the iso group changed their ooxml vote to be in
MS favor, you should look at how well open source is penetrating the Microsoft
market in those countries.

While MS Office is one of the big items, there are other items as well.
Regardless of what the product is, the supplier of an operating system has
traction for the operating system only when there are applications that run on
that platform.

Microsoft is addressing the problem they perceive by making it seem the
Microsoft way is the best way to develop software and will give you the best
paying jobs.

I've been receiving a number of email ads from Infoworld. I can't fault
Infoworld for including advertising in order to pay writers. But when I see
these, ... I'll try to comply with PJs family friendly policy. I won't post the
link to the ad site.

The ads go as follows:

***************** Sponsor *******************************


What makes you a hero? For many, it is doing what you love, and doing it well.
That's why Microsoft believes in providing a broad range of choices for
developing and deploying open source software. Visit this microsite now to
learn more!

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On My Way - giafly
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 27 2008 @ 11:51 AM EDT
And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, Ill say it clear,
Ill state my case, of which Im certain.

Ive lived a life thats full.
Ive traveled each and evry stairway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it their way.

Regret is nothing new;
Too much to count, too much to mention.
I did what I had to do
And sucked it up without exemption.

I followed each restricted course;
Each pointless step along the way,
But more, much more than this,
I did it their way.

Yes, there were times, Im sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
Sign ULAs, or chicken out?
I signed them all and I stood small;
And did it their way.

My programs crashed and died.
I had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it's not at all amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a fair way,
No, oh no not me,
I did it their way.

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he never feels;
But just the words of one who kneels.
The accounts show I took the dough -
And did it their way!

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