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Lists all stories from 2008.

31-Dec-2008 New Filings -- Novell's bill of costs
21-Dec-2008 A harvest of filings
09-Dec-2008 Linux Defenders - That Would Be You Guys, Actually
09-Dec-2008 FSFE and Release Guide to Handling License Violations
05-Dec-2008 The Psystar Public License
03-Dec-2008 David Boies Gets a Letter From the Appeals Court Chief Clerk
03-Dec-2008 Apple Tells Court It Believes Someone Is Behind Psystar; Adds New Claims, Including DMCA Violation
02-Dec-2008 Analysis on Balance - Standardisation and Patents - by Georg Greve, President, FSFE
01-Dec-2008 Today's YouTube: US v. Microsoft 10 Years Later
28-Nov-2008 An Amicus Brief: Issues in the Cyberbullying Case That Affect You - Updated 3Xs
27-Nov-2008 The Appeals Paperwork Begins
25-Nov-2008 SCO Files Notice of Appeal in Novell Litigation - Updated 2Xs
24-Nov-2008 Minutes from the Bankruptcy Hearing, an Order on 1st Omnibus Objections, and Other Filings - Updated
24-Nov-2008 Bilski - What It Means, Part 5 (Conclusion) -- What About Microsoft's Patent Threats?
22-Nov-2008 MA Court Grants OLPC's Motions Dismissing Lancor's Claims - Updated 3Xs: Correction - US Case
20-Nov-2008 Final Judgment in SCO v. Novell: SCO Loses Again
20-Nov-2008 SCO Bankruptcy: SCO Withdraws Motion Re Confidentiality
18-Nov-2008 SCO and Novell Settle Constructive Trust/Payment Matter "In Principal"
18-Nov-2008 All Psystar's Counterclaims Against Apple Dismissed! Told 'Ya - Updated: The Order as Text
17-Nov-2008 SCO Files an Amended Schedule F
14-Nov-2008 Answering Gene Quinn, Patent Attorney - Updated
14-Nov-2008 Bills in the SCO Bankruptcy Show Activity in the Swiss Arbitration
13-Nov-2008 Norris Did Attend SCO's Tec Forum; Investors "Excited" About Prospects
12-Nov-2008 Bilski - What It Means, Part 4 - The Microsoft Brief - Updated
09-Nov-2008 Bilski - What It Means, Part 3 - The Mayer Dissent & Some Intangibility Questions - Updated 2Xs
08-Nov-2008 SCO's Statement on Final Judgment & the Melaugh-Gonzalez Emails
06-Nov-2008 SCO Bankruptcy Filings -- Is SCO Resurrecting the Name Caldera?
05-Nov-2008 Bilski: What It Means, Part 2 -- Listening to the Dissenting Opinions - Updated
03-Nov-2008 Bilski: What It Means, Part 1 -- Red Hat on What It Means for FOSS
01-Nov-2008 Novell Responds to SCO's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal/Final Judgment Language - as text
01-Nov-2008 Tennessee's Withdrawal of Claims - Updated
30-Oct-2008 The Bilski Decision Is In: Buh-Bye [Most] Business Methods Patents - As text - Updated
29-Oct-2008 Novell Makes a Move -- Motion for Constructive Trust and Payment Now - Updated 2Xs, as text
28-Oct-2008 Ubersoft's Help Desk ... A reorganization plan for SCO
28-Oct-2008 SCO's MORs for September in the Bankruptcy - The Subsidiaries - Updated
28-Oct-2008 Google Settles Authors Guild Litigation - Updated 2Xs
26-Oct-2008 NetApp's Point of View on the Sun Litigation - An Update
26-Oct-2008 When Spoliation Gets Found Out
24-Oct-2008 SCO Plans... er... SCO Hopes for a Future
22-Oct-2008 Creditors Being Objected to by SCO Begin to Respond
21-Oct-2008 Straightening Out Some Silly Stuff Being Written About Apple v. Psystar
20-Oct-2008 SCO Files Motion to Dismiss Unresolved Claims with Prejudice (SCO v. Novell) - Updated
20-Oct-2008 SCO's Tec Forum in Full Sway. Two Press Releases Today.
19-Oct-2008 Want to Laugh? Another Tall Tale About Where Linux Came From.
18-Oct-2008 More Patent Threats From Microsoft
18-Oct-2008 Closing Off the Internet and Tossing Fair Use Over the Cliff
16-Oct-2008 An Update on the Copiepresse/Google Dispute -- ACAP Enters the Picture
14-Oct-2008 Berger Singerman's 13th Bill: Researching Cramdowns - Updated
13-Oct-2008 Tanner Proposes to Expand its Work for SCO Again = $198,000+ for 2009
12-Oct-2008 If You Hate Trademark Law, How Do You Feel About Trade Dress?
11-Oct-2008 IP Innovation v Red Hat and Novell - 1 Year Later
09-Oct-2008 SCO Objects to Some Claims, Including Snow Christensen's - Updated 2Xs
08-Oct-2008 NetApp-Sun Litigation News: USPTO Order on NetApp's '292 Patent
06-Oct-2008 Microsoft Subpoenas Canopy and Law Firm Hunting for Documents from Caldera v. MS to use in Novell v. MS (antitrust) - 3 updates
06-Oct-2008 Stipulation to Lift Stay on IPO Class Action and SCO's MORs Filed
04-Oct-2008 Novell's Opposition to SCO's Motion for Final Judgment and Melaugh Declaration, as text
03-Oct-2008 Novell files in Utah its opposition in SCO's motion for final judgment
02-Oct-2008 Apple Files Motion to Dismiss Psystar's Counterclaims, as text - Updated
02-Oct-2008 The Microsoft-Stacked SC 34 Committee Makes a Move
30-Sep-2008 The Purpose of the Fifth Amendment in the Bill of Rights
30-Sep-2008 Important: Want to join the new OASIS ODF Interoperability and Conformance TC?
29-Sep-2008 Groklaw's Sean Daly Interviewed by FSFE
29-Sep-2008 Don't link to So and So's website. They might just sue ya. Or, what Trademarks Are [and Are Not] For.
26-Sep-2008 Transcript of Sept. 16 Bankruptcy Hearing - PDF and text
26-Sep-2008 A New Groklaw Feature - Erwan's Archive Explorer
26-Sep-2008 Stay Lifted on AutoZone as of December 31st - Updated
25-Sep-2008 How To Avoid Becoming a Defendant in a BusyBox or Any GPL-Related Lawsuit
24-Sep-2008 Review of Russell Dyer's MySQL in a Nutshell, Second Edition
23-Sep-2008 IBM Announces New Policy on Standards - Updated
22-Sep-2008 SCO Seems to Be Trying to Ramp Up AutoZone - Updated
21-Sep-2008 Interview with Walter Bender of Sugar Labs
19-Sep-2008 Mozilla Comes Through!
17-Sep-2008 The Latest on the Firefox EULA Matter - Update: Progress!
16-Sep-2008 SCO Gets Almost What It Asked For From Bankruptcy Court: Extension to End of Year & Stock Options
16-Sep-2008 SCO's Reply to Novell's Objection to 3rd Extension, as text, & a 10Q Reality Check
15-Sep-2008 SCO Makes Its Move in Utah: Asks to Waive Claims, Get Final Judgment - Updated, as text
13-Sep-2008 Anonymous Speech in Email Upheld in Spammer Case - Updated
11-Sep-2008 The Bankruptcy Hearing Schedule for Sept. 16th, a Letter, and a Spector Sideshow, but Where's York?
11-Sep-2008 Crimson Capital LLC et al v. Spartan Group Holding, Stephen Norris, et al
09-Sep-2008 Novell Objects to SCO's Request for More Time; Suggests There May Be No SNCP Deal - Updated, as text
09-Sep-2008 The Harry Potter Decision, as text - Updated
08-Sep-2008 Tanner: A little scoop more
07-Sep-2008 The Caldera v. Microsoft Docket - All the Documents To Be Found, So Far - Updated 2Xs
06-Sep-2008 2000 Caldera-Microsoft Settlement Surfaces in Novell v. Microsoft Antitrust Lawsuit
04-Sep-2008 A Question About the Novell-Microsoft Deal
03-Sep-2008 Psystar - Who Are These People?
02-Sep-2008 BSDi's Opposition To USL's Motion For Preliminary Injunction
01-Sep-2008 CONSEGI 2008 Declaration -- Open Letter to ISO Reveals More OOXML Issues
01-Sep-2008 AT&T EULA's Terms Are Found "Unconscionable" - What Does That Mean?
29-Aug-2008 Novell and SCO Agree on Interest, Trust Amounts; Final Judgment Still in Dispute - Updated
29-Aug-2008 Here's Psystar's Answer with Counterclaims - Oh, Brother! -Updated 3Xs, as text
28-Aug-2008 SCO's Motion to Give Stock Options to 4 Executives - Updated - Why Might They Want Options?
27-Aug-2008 For the Sake of History, a Novell 1994 10K: Unix source and UnixWare 2 separate products
27-Aug-2008 The Apple v. Psystar Litigation - Updated: Complaint as text
26-Aug-2008 New Novell Deadline for Filing Brief on Interest, Judgment & Some 2003 SEC Filings About SCOsource
24-Aug-2008 Interview with Richard Hulse of Radio New Zealand, on the decision to offer Ogg Vorbis
23-Aug-2008 KDE Adopts Fiduciary Licence Agreement Option
21-Aug-2008 Hong Kong -- Here Comes Me Inc Software! -- & More Bankrupcy Bills - Updated 2Xs
20-Aug-2008 German Court: SCO Must Pay a Fine. Yes. Again. - updated
19-Aug-2008 AutoZone Stirrings
19-Aug-2008 Judge Lifts Restraining Order: MIT Students Win - Updated
18-Aug-2008 No Further Appeals on OOXML? What About 11.4?
18-Aug-2008 More Bankruptcy Filings and SCO Predicts a Bright Future for Itself
17-Aug-2008 Caldera Press Releases, 1996-2001
16-Aug-2008 Santa Cruz and its "Linux Strategy" Back in the 1990s
15-Aug-2008 OOXML Appeals Rejected
14-Aug-2008 Status Conference in AutoZone Sept. 22
14-Aug-2008 OK. But What Does It Mean? (Jacobsen v. Katzer)
13-Aug-2008 Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit Overturns Jacobsen v. Katzer - Ruling as text
13-Aug-2008 MIT Students Ask Court to Vacate TRO; Who's Who in Computer Science and Security Sign Letter in Support
12-Aug-2008 SCO Asks to Extend Exclusivity Period Again - Hearing Sept. 16
11-Aug-2008 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Files Motion to Modify Terms of TRO - Updated, MIT Students Response
11-Aug-2008 The Indie Band Survival Guide, new book on how to succeed on your own
11-Aug-2008 Hearing Postponed on Gifting York- New Date Sept. 16 [or never?]
10-Aug-2008 Free-OpenServer. What a Concept! - Updated
09-Aug-2008 Lawyer's Funny AntiLinux FUD Turns Out to be Not So Funny - Updated 2Xs
07-Aug-2008 Some Pictures Worth a Thousand Words - Caldera OpenLinux Lite
06-Aug-2008 The Appeals Court for the 10th Circuit Sends a Letter of Instructions
05-Aug-2008 An Appeal in SCO v. Novell - But Not the One You Expected
04-Aug-2008 88% of YouTube is New and Original Content, Professor Says
03-Aug-2008 The End of the Patry Copyright Blog
03-Aug-2008 The SCO Litigation - From Soup to Nuts
01-Aug-2008 The Victor Raisys Back Story
30-Jul-2008 SCO and Novell Ask for More Time to Haggle About Final Judgment or Not, Interest Amount
30-Jul-2008 SCO Tells Customers and Partners It Will Appeal Shortly
29-Jul-2008 Is Open Solaris in Hot Water? -- No, I Don't Think So
28-Jul-2008 "PATCH: ELF registry now at Caldera" in 2002 & LKP and GNU Tools
27-Jul-2008 More Bills for SCO in the Bankruptcy - Will They Get Paid?
26-Jul-2008 Turning our attention back to SCO v. IBM, a nugget about errno.h and the GPL
25-Jul-2008 Microsoft Updates Open Specification Promise to Include GPL/Gives $$ to Apache - Updated 2 Xs
24-Jul-2008 Google's Patents Are About to be Killed? Calm Down, Everyone. It's Just Advocacy, a/k/a FUD
22-Jul-2008 SCO Files Monthly Operating Reports for June; Novell Statement
21-Jul-2008 The "one line of code" rule - Any UnixWare in SCOsource?
21-Jul-2008 Trial Witness Lists/Exhibits from SCO v. Novell
19-Jul-2008 HURIDOCS Is Looking for a Developer - Pick Your Brain
19-Jul-2008 SCO's Yesterday - a parody by Scott Lazar
18-Jul-2008 ISO/IEC Recommendations on Appeals & Latest ODF News - Complete document as text
17-Jul-2008 The Day After & Motion to Intervene Denied as "Wholly Inappropriate" - updated
16-Jul-2008 Judge Kimball Rules at Last! - Updated: The Order as text
16-Jul-2008 Peer to Patent Project Extended and Expanded - Mark Webbink Exec. Dir. of New Center
16-Jul-2008 The YouTube/Google/Viacom Stipulation & An Encouraging Patent Order, as text
15-Jul-2008 The Red Hat-FireStar Settlement Agreement is Published - updated
15-Jul-2008 ISO Document: South Africa's Appeal, as text
14-Jul-2008 OK. *Now* Judge Kimball is Sorry He Didn't Rule Quicker (joke) & AZ Status Report
14-Jul-2008 The ISO Document: India's and Venezuela's Appeals, as text - Updated with comments chart
12-Jul-2008 The ISO Document: Brazil's Appeal and ISO/IEC's Attachments 1 & 2 - as text
11-Jul-2008 July 15th Bankruptcy Hearing on Paying York Reset for August 13
11-Jul-2008 KDE on KDE 4.0
09-Jul-2008 ISO to TMB: Here Are the Appeals Against OOXML; They Should Be Denied - Updated 2Xs - Responses
09-Jul-2008 Fact Checking Viacom's New Statement on Privacy and YouTube
07-Jul-2008 Viacom-YouTube Stipulation on LECG Filed Today
07-Jul-2008 Microsoft to EU Commission: We're Not the Bad Guy; You Are [MS Doc as Text]
07-Jul-2008 The Maciaszek Trial Testimony - Day 2 Ends, with line #s
05-Jul-2008 Groklaw Wins Prix Ars Electronica 2008 Honorable Mention & New Page for Sean Daly Interviews
04-Jul-2008 How Viacom Ambushed YouTube and You - Updated 2Xs, Docket
04-Jul-2008 Tanner Bills SCO for Another $54,000 for June
03-Jul-2008 Autozone Activity & SCO Forum Postponed for "New Investor"
03-Jul-2008 Viacom-YouTube Discovery Order/Docket - Updated 2Xs: Order as text
02-Jul-2008 Barracuda Networks Countersues Trend Micro
02-Jul-2008 Fair Use Upheld. Imagine That.
30-Jun-2008 Copiepresse's Complaint v. EU Commission Tossed Out
27-Jun-2008 The June 17 Bankruptcy Hearing Transcript - as text
26-Jun-2008 Transcript of the June Bankruptcy Hearing and SCO MOUs
26-Jun-2008 A Sun Update on the NetApp Litigation
25-Jun-2008 The Trial Testimony of Greg Jones, Day 2, SCO v. Novell - updated
23-Jun-2008 Cognex Invalidates Acacia Patent '524; Next? Suing for Business Defamation
22-Jun-2008 What's Fair Use, Anyway? AP Has a Thought, and So Do I
21-Jun-2008 The Orders/Minutes from the 6/17 Bankruptcy Hearing
20-Jun-2008 Microsoft-DOJ Joint Status Report June 17, 2008
19-Jun-2008 Darl's Dreams for the Future Amplified
17-Jun-2008 First Report on Bankruptcy Hearing: SCO Wins Extension - Updated 3Xs
17-Jun-2008 When Can a Judge Change His Mind?
16-Jun-2008 SCO's 10Q - Where's the Money? Where's the Plan?
16-Jun-2008 Day 2 of the Trial: The Darl - transcript of his testimony, with line #s
14-Jun-2008 Pachulski Stang's 8th Bankruptcy Bill - "401(k) audit"? - Updated
13-Jun-2008 Something About the Kozinski Story You Didn't Read in the LA Times
12-Jun-2008 More Bills and a Hearing Schedule as SCO's Money Flies the Coop
11-Jun-2008 Red Hat Makes History With Patent Settlement - Compatible with GPLv3
10-Jun-2008 Novell Responds to SCO's 2nd Extension Request: Please Make it the Last, Yr. Honor - Updated, as text
10-Jun-2008 Neelie Kroes: "Choosing open standards is a very smart business decision"
09-Jun-2008 Chris Sontag's Trial Testimony in SCO v. Novell (April 29 & 30, 2008)
07-Jun-2008 Eyeballs Needed for ODF
06-Jun-2008 Day 1, April 29, the Novell v. SCO trial, Opening Statements, as text - with line #s
04-Jun-2008 Like Sands Through the Hourglass, So Are the Bills in SCO's Bankruptcy - Updated
04-Jun-2008 Update on the NetApp-Sun Patent Litigation
03-Jun-2008 An Open Letter on OOXML Happenings in India
02-Jun-2008 A Reminder: ISO's Code of Ethics & What Happens Next - Update: Venezuela Appeals Also
31-May-2008 Now an OOXML Protest from Denmark's OSL - Updated 3Xs: Official English Translation
30-May-2008 Latest News on the Bankruptcy - More Matters for 6/17 Hearing
29-May-2008 Brazil Appeals OOXML Too! Asks Approval Be Reconsidered - Update: India Files Too
28-May-2008 Shining Some Light on Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant
28-May-2008 The Shuttleworth Foundation Supports South Africa's Appeal Against OOXML
27-May-2008 Viacom's 1st Amended Complaint and YouTube/Google's Answer - updated, both as text
26-May-2008 SCO Updates its "Legal Update" Page
25-May-2008 Microsoft Launches OnMyWay
24-May-2008 The Embrace, Extend, Extinguish of ODF Begins? - Updated
23-May-2008 South Africa Files Official Appeal Re OOXML - OOXML in Limbo Now - Updated
22-May-2008 Two More Bills in the SCO Bankruptcy
22-May-2008 Microsoft Supporting ODF? -- Close, But No Cigar
20-May-2008 "A Strategy for Openness: Enhancing E-Records Access in New York State"
20-May-2008 Transcript of the April 30 SJ Motions in Novell v. SCO - Yay! - as PDF & text
18-May-2008 More Hints from More Bills in the SCO Bankruptcy
16-May-2008 Today We Are Five & What Happened at the Summary Judgment Hearing April 30
14-May-2008 Dorsey & Whitney File 6th Monthly Bill in SCO Bankruptcy - SCO Global - Updated
12-May-2008 Hearing on May 15 about Paying York Cancelled; New Date June 17
12-May-2008 Darl's 2003 Letter to Questar: Proof SCOsource was about AT&T's System V, not UnixWare
11-May-2008 Microsoft emails Blender
09-May-2008 SCO wants more time to exclusively file a reorganization plan
09-May-2008 The Bilski oral arguments - Groklaw member webster attended - Updated 3Xs - RFD went too
08-May-2008 The GPL Wins Again - Welte vs. Skype Technologies SA (Germany)
07-May-2008 Catching up on the bankruptcy filings
07-May-2008 SCO's Prentice-Hall Letter - McBride's Trial Testimony
06-May-2008 A Brief History of Sun by Groklaw's grouch - Updated
05-May-2008 Sandy Gupta Shows Up - Working at Microsoft - Updated
04-May-2008 Day 4 Transcript of the Novell v. SCO Trial's Last Day, May 2nd - as text
04-May-2008 OLPC Decision Not Final, RMS Asks: Can We Rescue OLPC from Windows?
03-May-2008 Transcript from Day 3, May 1, in the Novell v. SCO Trial
02-May-2008 Reports on the Last Day of the Trial in Novell v. SCO - Updated 3Xs
02-May-2008 Day 2, April 30, Novell v. SCO Trial Transcript - as text, no line #s
02-May-2008 Day 1, April 29th, in Novell v. SCO - as text (no line #s version)
01-May-2008 Transcripts!! Days 1 and 2 of Novell v. SCO
01-May-2008 Day 3 in Novell v. SCO; and Some Bankruptcy Filings - Updated 2Xs
30-Apr-2008 Day 2 of the Novell v. SCO trial - Updated 6Xs
29-Apr-2008 First Word from Day 1 of the Novell v. SCO Trial - Updated 2Xs
29-Apr-2008 SCO and Novell File Proposed Findings of Fact/Conclusions of Law
28-Apr-2008 How the Trial Will Go, Beginning Tomorrow (SCO v. Novell)
28-Apr-2008 Novell's Objection to SCO's Motion to "Reimburse" York, as text
26-Apr-2008 Latest Bankruptcy Filings - Hearings Schedule & Missing Pages - Updated
25-Apr-2008 SCO's Reply Memo in Support of its Motion for Judgment on Novell's 4th Claim - Updated - As Text
24-Apr-2008 SCO's Redacted Trial Brief At Last - Updated
24-Apr-2008 Parties File Sealed Trial Briefs; Novell's Redacted Amended Trial Brief, as text
23-Apr-2008 DC Circuit Ct of Appeals (Rambus): Deceit Doesn't in Itself Constitute Monopolization
22-Apr-2008 SCO's Latest Monthly Operating Reports, for March - Where Did All the Money Go? - Updated 2Xs
21-Apr-2008 Microsoft Office 2007 Fails OOXML Conformance Tests, Alex Brown Admits, Hopes For the Best
20-Apr-2008 Interview with NOiV's Maarten Wijnen-Meijer on Study on Gov't Acquisition of OS Software - Pick Your Brains
20-Apr-2008 Another New, New Lawyer for SCO; and Novell and SCO Update Exhibits: The Trial is Near
19-Apr-2008 The AFNOR Affair: Interview with Frédéric Couchet, Ex. Dir. APRIL, on OOXML in France
18-Apr-2008 New OOXML Scandal - A Leaked Email Surfaces in France - Updated: New Details from Norway
17-Apr-2008 What is Wrong with RAND?
16-Apr-2008 SCO Asks That Friday's Bankruptcy Hearing on York Payment Be Postponed - Updated
15-Apr-2008 ISO puts out a face-saving (it hopes) FAQ
15-Apr-2008 US Trustee Objects to SCO's Proposed Payment to York
14-Apr-2008 Alex Brown: OOXML is like a baroque castle with secret passages and crumbling towers
13-Apr-2008 SCO and Two Patent Applications
12-Apr-2008 Novell's Opposition to SCO's Motion for Judgment on Pleadings (Scott, Nathan, and Marty) - as text
11-Apr-2008 IBM Objects to York Payment: SCO's Argument is "Nonsense"
11-Apr-2008 SCO's April 2nd Bankruptcy Hearing Transcript - Update: full text
10-Apr-2008 Member of EU Parliament asks if Microsoft should be excluded from public procurement
09-Apr-2008 More filings in SCO's bankruptcy and a Boies Schiller lawyer for the Novell trial
09-Apr-2008 Red Hat's Amicus Brief in Bilski, as text - Why Patents Harm Open Source
09-Apr-2008 In re Bilski -- Red Hat files amicus brief saying software patents are a brake on innovation
08-Apr-2008 Novell's Objection to SCO's Motion to Pay the Plan Sponsor, as text
07-Apr-2008 Novell Objects to SCO's Motion for Judgment on Pleadings on Novell's Claims for $$ - Update: Hearing 4/30
07-Apr-2008 SCO Forum 2008 Announced by Hunsaker; Where's Darl? - Updated 2Xs
06-Apr-2008 SCO's Combined Schedules of Assets and Liabilities and Statements of Financial Affairs, as text
06-Apr-2008 A Question About the SCO's End Game
05-Apr-2008 US Trustee's Objections to SCO's Latest Reorganization "Plan" & more filings
04-Apr-2008 OOXML: Wasn't There Supposed to be a Final Text Within a Month?
03-Apr-2008 Canada Tells Why It Voted No on OOXML & How ISO Must Improve - Updated: Others See Need to Fix ISO
03-Apr-2008 Hearing Notes, SCO's Monthly Operating Report etc.
03-Apr-2008 Ubersoft on ISO, "voting irregularities", and Groklaw
02-Apr-2008 A Report from the Bankruptcy Hearing Today - Updated 3Xs - 2nd Report
02-Apr-2008 And now the appeals and reactions while OOXML sits on hold
02-Apr-2008 How the Philippines Changed Its OOXML Vote from No to Yes - Updated 2Xs: ISO Press Release & Letters
01-Apr-2008 Expect a 2nd Official Complaint -- Against UK's OOXML Vote & Norway's Excuse
31-Mar-2008 The France Shift From No to Abstain -- HP helped Microsoft France do it - Updated
31-Mar-2008 SCO Backs Slowly Toward the Door
31-Mar-2008 Formal Protest Filed Asking that Norway's Vote Be Annulled & KEI Statement
31-Mar-2008 New Zealand Votes No; Malaysia Tech Recommends No but It Abstains Anyway: Australia Abstains; India Suggests
29-Mar-2008 OOXML Vote: Irregularities in Germany & Croatia and a Call for an Investigation of Norway
28-Mar-2008 What Really Happened at the BRM for OOXML & Who Attended - Updates on Results
28-Mar-2008 Two More Objections -- from the US Trustee's Office
27-Mar-2008 Updegrove: Germany Told "Impossible" to Vote No. So, They Vote Yes - Updated 2Xs: Finland Yes
27-Mar-2008 President of EU Academy for Standardisation criticizes OOXML, says duplicative standards conflict with WTO rules
27-Mar-2008 Kenya Changes From Yes to Abstain! Denmark Says No; EU Commission Investigating Poland - Updated 6Xs - Mexico
27-Mar-2008 Another Reason Microsoft's OSP Isn't Good Enough
26-Mar-2008 A Chorus of 'We Object!! ' -- to SCO's Reorganization Plan - Updated 2Xs: The IPO Class Action Complaint
26-Mar-2008 Microsoft Files Complaint About India's No Vote on OOXML - Updated 2Xs
25-Mar-2008 Brazil Votes NO to OOXML - Updated
24-Mar-2008 More OOXML BRM Messiness: A Delegate from Brazil Challenges "Law of Silence"
24-Mar-2008 Cuba Votes No to OOXML - Says It Did So in September, Too - Updated 2Xs
22-Mar-2008 Poland Fails to Approve OOXML; Chairman Decides Members Can Vote by Email 10 More Days - huh? - Updated
21-Mar-2008 More Details from Bills in the SCO Bankruptcy - Hong Kong? - Updated
20-Mar-2008 India Has Voted NO to OOXML - Updated - On Error Rates in Draft Standards
19-Mar-2008 Harald Welte and Groklaw win FSF's 2007 Free Software Awards
19-Mar-2008 New Rules for Changing Your Vote on OOXML
18-Mar-2008 A Microsoft Slur in the OOXML Saga -- Did I Tell You or Did I Tell You? - Updated
17-Mar-2008 SCO 10Q: the MOU with Norris Ain't Carved in Stone, Y'all
17-Mar-2008 Supreme Court rejects Microsoft appeal: Novell v. Microsoft can go forward - Update
15-Mar-2008 Two More US Trustee Motions as text, More Bankruptcy Filings, and a Note on SCO v. Novell's Docket
15-Mar-2008 Two US Trustee's Objections: to SCO's October Incentive Bonuses & to Confidentiality
13-Mar-2008 SCO's Redacted Memo in Support of Motion for Judgment on Pleadings - as text
12-Mar-2008 SCO's Redacted Memo in Support of Motion for Judgment on Pleadings
12-Mar-2008 SFLC Analysis of Microsoft's OSP: No Assurance for Developers
11-Mar-2008 Straight From The Horse's Mouth: Was SCOsource about UnixWare?
11-Mar-2008 SCO's Memorandum in Objection to Novell's Summary Judgment Motion, as text
10-Mar-2008 BRM Resolution 23: Thou Shalt Use Patent-Encumbered MP3 with OOXML
09-Mar-2008 OLPC: Nigeria's Registrar Finds No Proof KONYIN Registration Was Extended
08-Mar-2008 SCO files motion for judgment on pleadings on Novell's money claims or for amendment of scope of trial
07-Mar-2008 How NBs can register a changed vote on OOXML - and a Chart of Directives Changes
06-Mar-2008 The Edited Notes and the Resolutions from the BRM - Updated 2Xs
06-Mar-2008 No Bankruptcy Hearing Friday; Incentive Bonuses Motion Continued to April 2
05-Mar-2008 ISO Statement on the BRM: Public Stay Out - Updated
04-Mar-2008 Malaysia Standards Says Most of Their Technical Concerns Unresolved at BRM; Fast Track Inappropriate - Updated
03-Mar-2008 Interview with Vint Cerf, by Sean Daly
02-Mar-2008 SCO's Reorganization Plan, as text
01-Mar-2008 SCO Files a Ch. 11 Plan, a Disclosure Statement, and Wants to Pay York's Expenses
29-Feb-2008 An Interview with Andrew Updegrove, by Sean Daly
29-Feb-2008 OOXML Fails to Get Majority Approval at BRM - Updated 3Xs
29-Feb-2008 Novell's Reply Memorandum in Support of Summary Judgment, as text
27-Feb-2008 An Objection to SCO's proposed reorganization raises questions about SNCP
27-Feb-2008 Neelie Kroes Statement on Microsoft Fine, Q & A - transcript
27-Feb-2008 OOXML: An Obscured Business Suggestion & Microsoft Fined Again
26-Feb-2008 Danish Unix User Group Files Complaint With EU Commission Against Denmark For Mandating MSOOXML
26-Feb-2008 The Atlantic v. Brennan Decision Rejecting "Making Available", as PDF and Text
25-Feb-2008 Something Odd about Stephen Norris & Co Capital Partners - Updated 2Xs
24-Feb-2008 Mozilla Europe's Tristan Nitot, interviewed by Sean Daly
23-Feb-2008 Expert Witness in UMG v. Lindor Agrees With Groklaw - Updated
22-Feb-2008 Transcript of Bankruptcy Hearing Feb. 5, 2008
21-Feb-2008 Promises, Promises from Microsoft. Again.
21-Feb-2008 SCO's Redacted Memo in Opposition to Novell's SJ Motion, and Novell's Reply
20-Feb-2008 About those incentive bonuses ...
19-Feb-2008 Hearing on Interim Compensation/Bonuses set for March 7 at 2 PM in Bankruptcy Ct.
17-Feb-2008 How to Get Your Platform Accepted as a Standard - Microsoft Style
16-Feb-2008 What SCOsource was for, Part III - Updated
15-Feb-2008 The Proposed MOU, as text - Updated
14-Feb-2008 SCO announces reorganization plan - $100 M from SNCP & "partners from the Middle East", to go private - Updated
14-Feb-2008 What SCOsource was for, Part II
13-Feb-2008 What SCOsource was for, Part I - Updated
13-Feb-2008 More paperwork on the bills in the bankruptcy
12-Feb-2008 SCO Amends Its November Monthly Operating Reports & an OpenWengo Request
11-Feb-2008 The Hatch Exhibits Linked - Searching for #88
11-Feb-2008 IP Issues with OOXML - Who's Afraid of the GPL? by Brendan Scott
09-Feb-2008 SCO Asks Bankruptcy Court to Set April 10 as "Bar Date" For Proofs of Claims
09-Feb-2008 SCO Layoffs - Maciaszek Out
08-Feb-2008 EU Commission Investigating Microsoft's MSOOXML Push
07-Feb-2008 Interview with Nicholas Reville About Miro and Open Media, by Sean Daly
06-Feb-2008 Hatch Declaration Supporting SCO's Opposition to Novell's Motion for SJ
05-Feb-2008 SCO's Exclusive Time to File a Plan Extended to May 11 - And New Stock Options
05-Feb-2008 What Will Happen to Zimbra?
03-Feb-2008 XO and Asus EeePC: Comparing Size, Keyboards & Screens - Updated
02-Feb-2008 Are You a Database Guru? -- A Request for Volunteers
02-Feb-2008 Media Sentry accused of violating NYS law - and some affidavits - Updated 2Xs
01-Feb-2008 Two No Objections and One Objection - Updated 3Xs
31-Jan-2008 The Court Order Extending Oversight Over Microsoft and Interoperability
30-Jan-2008 SCO's 10K: Now What? Caveat Emptor
29-Jan-2008 Barracuda Networks Asks For Help Finding Prior Art to Defend ClamAV - Updated 3Xs
27-Jan-2008 Berger Singerman's Bill for December as text
26-Jan-2008 SCO Is Back to its Old Utah Ways - Updated
26-Jan-2008 The Non-Revocable GPL
25-Jan-2008 SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce Amended Scheduling Order, as text
25-Jan-2008 This Month's Modest Bill from Berger Singerman and Some Shares Returned
23-Jan-2008 Mesirow Files A 2nd (Much Lower) Bill
23-Jan-2008 Yoohoo! EU Commission! Are you watching?
22-Jan-2008 Google Taking Blog Comments Searching Real-Time?
21-Jan-2008 Grokking Cyberlaw & How The Trademark Process Works
20-Jan-2008 The BBC's iPlayer Goes to Parliament, by Sean Daly
18-Jan-2008 Transcript of the Bankruptcy Hearing About the Leases, as text
17-Jan-2008 Microsoft Says It Will Release Binary Office Formats - Which? -- Updated
17-Jan-2008 Open Document Format Alliance Refutes the Burton Group Report on ODF
16-Jan-2008 How To Do Comments in HTML on Groklaw
16-Jan-2008 Details on the Sun-MySQL Deal
16-Jan-2008 SCO wants Tanner to do a new job: its tax returns
16-Jan-2008 Order from Kimball: SJ Hearing April 30
15-Jan-2008 More Lawyer/Accountant Bills for SCO - Updated with the Doomsday Clock
14-Jan-2008 The Two New Investigations of Microsoft by the EU Commission - Updated 4Xs
13-Jan-2008 Novell's Statement Re Mesirow's Bill, as text, and SCO Responds
12-Jan-2008 Tweaking Everex's $199 TC2502 Green PC and gOS
11-Jan-2008 Utah Bench Trial Set for April 29 in SCO v. Novell
11-Jan-2008 SCO's Dilemma - Update: Jan. 8 Hearing Transcript
09-Jan-2008 Novell expresses "concerns" about Mesirow's bill - and more bills flood in
09-Jan-2008 InterSystems' Request to Pick Your Brains for Prior Art
08-Jan-2008 SCO Gets Leases OKd Despite Novell Objection: "SCO's Spending $$ by the Boatful - There'll Be Nothing Left"
07-Jan-2008 Interview with OLPC's Founding CTO Mary Lou Jepsen, by Sean Daly - Updated
07-Jan-2008 SCO Answers Novell's Objection to Renewing Leases and more
04-Jan-2008 Pick Your Brain: Any prior art on Apple's patent application on wifi ordering by iPhone? - Updated
04-Jan-2008 OLPC Tells Nigerian Court: We Don't Use LANCOR's Keyboard
04-Jan-2008 SCO Amends Its ByLaws
04-Jan-2008 SCO's Motion for Extension of Exclusivity Deadlines, as text - updated
03-Jan-2008 The SCO-York APA, as text
02-Jan-2008 SCO Asks Bankruptcy Court for More Time to File a Plan
01-Jan-2008 News about LANCOR v. OLPC - Updated

Last Updated Wednesday, January 22 2020 @ 11:39 AM EST

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